F.16 (end)

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"What did he say?" Jungkook asked.

"we have to kill Seokjin"

"of course. I would like to do that" Jungkook said and turned around but yoongi quickly grabbed his shirt.

"lets not do things too fast now. I think its better to get Jimin first, we dont know what will happen once Seokjin is dead....Of we manage to do it..." yoongi said he didnt think he could kill anyone. He didnt want blood on his hands. But Jungkook looked determined to kill him no matter what.

"fine" Jungkook hissed at him clearly annoyed by the other raven haired man.

"okay lets go" yoongi said and turned around heading for the elevators. He pressed the button and they waited. Yoongi cautiously looking around them. Jungkook unbothered staring blankly into the hallway behind them.

It was silent, and it made Yoongi nervous. He didnt like not hearing anything than himself. Seokjin could be anywhere.


The elevator opened and yoongi got in pulling Jungkook after him at his sleeve when the doctor wasnt walking.
They waited in a awkward heavy silence untill the doors opened. Jungkook got this uncomfortable heavy aura around him. His blank eyes didnt show life which made yoongi nervous when the raven looked back at him. He wasnt very fond of the doctor.

But it seemed Jungkook didnt really liked yoongi either...


A second time the doors opened and they walked out. Heading straight with fast steps to the hotel room they hid Jimin.

the two went inside and locked the door. Jungkook went straight to the boy on the bed his eyes went apologizing everytime, he was out of him mind but he couldnt forget that he was guilty for giving up on his patient. knowing how much he needed it. he was partly guilty for this, for everyone forgetting about the blonde boy.

"W-where....where is yoongi" Jimin asked softly when he only saw Jungkook enter the room.

"im here" the raven said and walked around the corner. Jimin started smiling happy to see him again. 

"You are...back"

"of course, i promised i would come back, now we have to get you with us downstairs. if we want to end this we cant risk anything happen to you. so we will take you with us so we can leave fast." Yoongi informed Jimin on the plan and the boy looked inside but he nodded. he trusted Yoongi, so he would go with them. "can you...can you walk?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin pushed himself to the edge of the bed and tried to stand, his legs shaking when he put his weight on his legs, holding onto yoongi for dear life before he sank through his legs, they were too weak to carry him.

"Jimin be careful." yoongi i said worried as he helped the blonde. "I will help you, im not that strong but i will do my best for you" the raven said and put his arm under Jimin's supporting the boy to walk. the blonde leaned onto him heavily but it was okay, for Jimin he will push through this.

"thank...you" Jimin said smiling, Jungkook looked at them silently before snatching the keys from yoongi's hands and unlock the door. 

"i will find that seokjin" jungkook said.

"D-doctor, please wait.....we should...go down first..." Jimin said trying to raise his voice so the doctor heard him that was walking away already. Immediately Jungkook halted in his steps and turned around with a sigh. 

"thanks Min" Yoongi said and they slowly caught up to the suspicious doctor. Jimin smiled looking at yoongi when he called him like that.


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