"Hyung.... hyung...." Renjun shook Doyoung's dead body helplessly. A sad pout on his lips and teary eyes red and bulgy. He sniffed hard, turning up to Yuta who seemed lifeless. 

"Yuta hyung.... please help Doyoung hyung... you can save him, can't you? Please?" Renjun begged. 

Even though he knew it wasn't possible.....

Yuta looked at Doyoung's soulless body, taking a deep breath. How did it escalate to this stage? He glanced at Chanhee who was crying profusely in Sunwoo's arms. 

At least someone was still alive. 

"Yuta, I'm so sorry. I should've died instead." Chanhee sputtered out, still sobbing. 

Yuta shook his head. 

"Doyoung wouldn't have just died in vain. It's not your fault." He said. 

Chanhee still felt guilty. After all, after Doyoung had been weakened down and stabbed, he had been forced to take away Doyoung' fox marble. 

Doyoung had told Chanhee to use his marble since he was going to die. It had been a pain for Chanhee to rip out the marble from Doyoung's body. But he had not let it gone to waste since he defeated Kun. 

Hyungseo jumped down to the ground, looking back and forth. He let out a sigh. Renjun and Yuta stayed in silence beside Doyoung. 

The five of them mourned in silence for a while. Sunwoo opened his eyes again and looked at Doyoung. The 'what if' feeling creeping up his heart again. 

He tightened his grip around Chanhee even more. 

Haechan stood still, glancing at Jeno who was trying his best not to sob. He took a deep breath but decided. 

He pried the ropes off his wrists and pulled out his sword. He grabbed onto Joonyoung and placed his sword at his throat, taking cover behind him. Joonyoung's breath hitched as he felt the coldness of the blade. 

Strange enough, he wasn't nervous. 

"Haechan." Taeyong said in a stern tone. 

Youngjae stood by cautiously, eyeing the sword pressed on his brother's throat. Jeno stayed calm.

"Haechan, are you sure you want to do this?" Jeno asked. 

Haechan's eyes flickered to him, emotions wavering for a moment but immediately replacing it back with a cold look. 

"It's not my choice." He replied.

"Are you still going to follow in Kun's steps even when you know he's in the wrong? Is that truly where your loyalty lies?" 

"You don't know anything about Kun hyung! About us ! How we had worked so hard to get here! I don't care shit about anyone." Haechan growled. 

"But you're on your own now." Youngjae intervened.

Haechan turned to him in confusion but rage was still evident. 

"What?" He asked. 

"He has been defeated. Why do you think Doyoung died? He died while fighting Kun and Chanhee hyung finished him with a final blow. You're on your own now. So tell me, what are you going to choose?" Youngjae said. 

Joonyoung let out a smile at how mature Youngjae was handling the situation. He had grown up a long way. 

Haechan seemed taken aback at the news. Kun had fallen? Then what about Jungwoo? Him? 

While Haechan was lost in thought, his grip loosened up a bit. Joonyoung took this opportunity to break lose and twisted Haechan's arms around. But Haechan reacted fast and pushed Joonyoung away before he could take away his weapon. 

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