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Emma's P.O.V

14 hours is how long me and my siblings and my two friends been sitting in this strange room.

You see mister crazy dave kidnapped us and locked us in a room and tied us down to chairs.

Emma: this is a amazing night guys

I say In a jokingly manner and they glared at me.

Naomi: this is no time for jokes we need to get out of here before dave seriously hurts us

Cameron: Naomi's right we need to find a way out

Royalty: didn't dave kidnapp your sister's and they escaped

Naomi: yeah he did that's amazing that they escaped

Kala: I think a know a way out of here

We all listened to kalas idea until Dave's comes downstairs and we all quickly sit up.

Dave: hello guys are you comfortable

Emma: not really when we have us tied down to chairs

Dave: you'll get used to it now that I have you all hostage

Cameron: I mean not really but go off

Dave: shut up

Royalty: what did you want

Dave: I want you guys to sing to me

Emma: that's funny because I can't sing for nothinggg

Dave: well your gonna sing for me or else

He says gripping the gun in his pocket and we all froze in fear.

Cameron: what song would you like us to sing

Dave: the liv and maddie them song

We nodded and cleared our throats and started singing.

You see while we were singing kala would cut the ropes with the pocket knife she had.

Naomi: you when you say stop

Cameron: all I wanna do is go go

Royalty: you you the other half of me me

I noticed kala finshed cutting through her ropes and handed the knife to royalty so she can cut her ropes.


Cameron: okay okay

We started singing random songs that came to mind until we all finished cutting out ropes.

I stopped singing while everyone else continued and Dave noticed and got mad.

Dave: emma honey why did you stop singing

Emma: my throat hurts

Dave: keep singing I don't care about your throat

Emma: nahhh I don't really feel like it

Dave gets mad and stands up but we all got up and ran upstairs quickly.


He continued to run until we reached the front door everyone else got out the door.

Until I saw Naomi on the ground it looked like she fell and saw dave coming upstairs.

I quickly reacted and slammed the door in his face and picked Naomi up and ran outside.


I hear Cameron yell across the backyard I quickly ran over to them.

Royalty: what are we gonna do

The Daughter of Billie eilish Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon