《excuse me i love you》

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Wait before you read I wanna thank someone BillieFanGirlyStorys for the support it means alot thank for reading and giving me the idea for the chapter "cheated👀" it means alot and thank you girly or boy😇

Anyways with that being said enjoy.

Billie's P.O.V

I'm currently sitting in my bedroom laying down having really bad contractions I stil can't believe I'm 9 months pregnant already.

Sabrina: you wanna go to the hospital princess

Billie: y-yeah but you need to get Naomi dressed

Sabrina: okay stay right here okay

I nodded and she left the room and I got up and tried to walk around to ease the pain.

But instead my water broke and almost thought I peed on myself for a second.


She comes running in the room and Naomi is in her arms and sees the water on the floor and started freaking out.

Sabrina: omg omg we have to go come on

She helps me up and we all get in the car and rush to the hospital.

After all of that the doctor gives me some ice and checks how many centimeters Iam.

Doctor: okay so you not ready to push yet but in about

She checked the time on her watch and wrote something down on her clipboard.

Doctor: 45 minutes

I nodded and she left and since my family was already here we just talked to each other.

Finneas: isn't this the same hospital Naomi was born

Billie: yeah I think so

I scream in pain once another contraction hit me and hit HARD.

Sabrina called the doctor in and the doctor said I was ready to push and she gets her tools and stuff and puts my legs up.

Doctor: okay just breath and stop if you can't push anymore

I nodded and sabrina held my hand and I started pushing with tears coming down my face.

Billie: UGHHH

I stop pushing for second and started crying I can't do this.

Billie: I can't it hurts to bad please I can't

Sabrina: yes you can princess I'm right here

I simile and pushed again after about one whole minute I heard crys and see the doctor wiping my baby down.

Doctor: who wants to cut the cord

Billie: go ahead baby

Sabrina similes with tears in her eyes and cuts the cord and the other doctor  cleans my baby up.

Doctor: okay go ahead and push one more time for me honey okay

Billie: okay

I started pushing it lasted for about five minutes and I heard crys

And the doctor wiping my other baby down and sabrina cuts the cord and the doctor takes my placenta out and hands me my two babies.

Billie: awe hello

They had their eyes closed and I smiled big and the doctor hands me the birth certificates.

Doctor: congratulations press the button if you need anything

The Daughter of Billie eilish Where stories live. Discover now