the surgery

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Billie's P.O.V

I wake up and see sabrina awake eating some pineapple i sit up and eat one of her pineapples.

Sabrina: good morning princess

Billie: good morning bubba

We kiss then I go in the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face and go in Naomi's room.

I see her in crib looking really tired I instantly knew something wasn't right  I picked her up and felt her head she was really hot.

She lays her head on shoulder and coughed it sounded horrible I rub her back and bring her back to me and Sabrina's bedroom and sit on the bed.

Billie: baby Naomi is sick

Sabrina: awe really my little princess

She picked Naomi up and she also just lays on her.

Sabrina: she's burning up

Billie: I know let me go get the thermometer

She nodded and I went and got the thermometer and I took her form sabrina and layed her down and take her clothes off leaving her in just an diaper.

I take her temperature and she was 102 I gasp and grabbed my phone and called her doctor.

Doctor: hello billie how are you

Billie: I'm good but Naomi is not she has a fever

Doctor: really what's her temperature

Billie: 102

Doctor: okay bring her in the hospital and I'll check her and see what's wrong

Billie: okay thank you

Doctor: your welcome

I hang up and get some clothes for me and Naomi and get us dressed and sabrina does the same and we leave the house and drive to the hospital.

Sabrina: what did the doctor say princess

Billie: he said to take her to the hospital so she can see what's wrong

She nodded and i continued driving and once we arrived the doctor called us back instantly.

Doctor: okay so what seems to be the problem

Billie: this morning she woke up and was really hot and she kept coughing on the way here too

She writes down on her clipboard and took Naomi's temperature.

Doctor: okay so I'm gonna run a couple test and check out everything okay

We nodded and she left the room and Naomi looked tried her stomach growled.

Billie: you hungry baby

She nodded I pulled my shirt down and put my boob in her mouth and latches on.

Billie: sabrina baby can you hand me Naomi's blanket

She handed it to  me and  I put it over Naomi and ran my hand over her hair.

A couple minutes later she unlatched and I gave her a binky and rocked her to sleep the doctor walked backed in.

Doctor: okay so we took some test and found out what's wrong

Sabrina: okay what's wrong

Doctor: so there's good news and bad news

Billie: bad news first

Doctor: her vocals cords are causing fluid to build up in her throat that can cause an blood clot and that's why she has a fever

Sabrina: okay what's the good news

Doctor: we can do surgery but she might not be able to talk for awhile

Billie: okay when can you do the surgery

Doctor: we can do it today or you guys can schedule an appointment

Sabrina: what do you think princess

Billie: I mean... we can do it today

Doctor: okay here is an hospital gown you change her and I'll be back

We nodded and she left and I changed Naomi in the hospital gown and the doctor came in and I put Naomi on the hospital bed.

Me and sabrina walked up to her bed and held her tiny hands.

Billie: I love you so much okay

Sabrina: I love you my little princess

She smiles weakly and my eyes started watering and the doctor gave us hugs and took her out the room.

I just started crying and sabrina sighed and held me close to her.

Sabrina: it's okay princess she will be okay

I just sobbed loudly why did this have to happen to Naomi she is just a one year old who loves elephants.

Sabrina told finneas and claudia also my parents what happened and they also came to the hospital.

Claudia: it's okay Billie were here for you okay

I just hugged her and everyone else did the same.

A/n oop cliff hanger👀

Words 722

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