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Triplets P.O.V

The girls woke up tied down to chairs in a strange house.

Addison: girls girls are you awake

Arabella: yeah

Brooklyn: I'm awake

Addison: where are we

Arabella: I don't known

Brooklyn: guys we got kidnapped

Addison: really

Brooklyn: yeah

Arabella: well we need to escape we can't stay here

Addison: arabella is right Brooklyn do you see a way out

Brooklyn looks around and sees a pocket knife on the table and an open window.

Brooklyn: I have an idea

Arabella : okay what is it

Brooklyn tells Addison and arabella her idea and they all agreed.

Until they hear footsteps coming into the room they were in.

Dave: well well hello girls

Addison: dave can you help us out

Dave: no can do you guys are going on my world wide tour to make me money

Brooklyn: were not going anywhere let us go now

Dave just laughed and patted Brooklyn's head and left the room.

Brooklyn: okay now is are chance Addison get the knife

Addison scooted her chair over to the table and grabbed the pocket knife with her mouth and gave it to Brooklyn.

Brooklyn: okay I'm gonna cut myself free then im gonna cut your ropes okay

Addison and arabella nodded and Brooklyn started to cut the ropes on her arms.

And after five minutes they were off and she cut Addison's and arabellas off.

Brooklyn: okay follow me

Brooklyn lead her sisters out the window until they heard someone coming downstairs.


Addison instantly pushed arabella out the window and Brooklyn barely caught her and Addison jumped out herself.

Addison: come on we need to go now

Dave opens the window and the girls started running holding hands.

Addison: I know this might sound carzy but can we sing

Brooklyn: really were getting chased by our kidnapper and you want to sing

Arabella: yeah let's sing someone might hear us and help

Brooklyn: you know what forget it were already running let's just sing

Addison: the sun will come out trommow

Arabella: so you gotta hang on till trommow

Brooklyn: come with may

Addison: trommow trommow

Arabella: I love ya trommow

Brooklyn: your always a day away

Then they started running toward a train station place with Dave still behind them still singing.

Addison: when I'm stuck with a day

Arabella: that's gray and lonely

Brooklyn: I just stick out my chin and grin

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