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Leah's pov———————

Like doc said, it took about the rest of the period and half of lunch for all my wounds to heal. But instead of using the rest of the time to get some food, I chose to stay in the infirmary.

Honestly, I was just tired and wanted somewhere quiet to rest. For a brief second, I thought about going up to the roof again but I didn't want to run into Arlo.

Even though he said I'm allowed to go up there from time to time.


ok now that i think about it, that's a bit weird. why'd he grant me access up there?

With a sigh, I locked my hands behind my head and laid back down on the bed.

What good is thinking about it gonna do? not like i'll ever know what he's thinking. He's so freaking hard to read that if he were a book, he'd be in a completely different language.

Maybe even a dead language. Like latin...

knock knock knock


"you in here?"

At the sound of my name, I immediately sat back up.

I was greeted by the ultimate trio.

Remi smiled at the sight of me and walked over to my bed.

"hey! We didn't see you at english and couldn't find you at the cafeteria so we came here to see if you were hurt."

Blyke gave me a casual wave as a greeting and asked, "Are you hurt badly?"

Isen was leaning on the wall. "Damn you got into a fight on your second day?"

Remembering that I had missed english cause i overslept and not cause of an injury, my nerves jumped.

"oh haha no I'm fine. I'm not injured too badly..."

"That's a relief. We were worried." Remi sweetly said.

Hearing that they were worried made me feel even more bad.

"But um..."

I scratched my head a bit.

"It's true i wasn't at lunch cause i was hurt but i missed english cause I overslept.

Out of habit, I bit the inside of my lip.

"ohhhh that's what happened." Isen replied.

"Eh don't worry about it..." Blyke started.
"...But skipping class on your second day here,"

Isen's eyes shimmered as he snapped and pointed his fingers at me. "respect."

Blyke smirked a bit and put his hand on my shoulder. "I feel like you'll get along pretty well with us. muahahaha-"

His banter was cut short by remi smacking his head.

"What great things you're promoting right now Blyke. Great things."

"Yea skipping class is pretty great"

"Isen just shut up!" Remi said, obviously annoyed.

well this... was not the reaction i was expecting but i mean i'm not complaining.

"But yea Leah don't worry about it. Happens to all of us" Remi stated.

She really is sweet.

"Well then we'll leave you be. Hope you feel better!" she said while waving.

Blyke and Isen also said bye and the three of them left the room with the click of the door.

Shatter (arlo x OC) UnOrdinary fanficWhere stories live. Discover now