chapter 26

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*Arlos apartment*

Arlo's pov

It's 6 pm.


Where is she?


No it's only 6. Maybe she's the type who runs a bit late.


She is coming right?

I put down my book as I stared at the ticking clock.





Damn it maybe i shouldn't have asked her to come. It might have been too last minute.

Getting up to get a glass of water I willed myself to calm down.

What the fuck am I doing right now.
And over a mid tier?
It's just Leah. No need to get worked up.
Calm down.

Maybe I'm sick.

Why does it feel like my heart is beating quicker than usual?

I'm not a fucking idiot, I'm aware that liking someone normally means racing hearts, flushed faces, stuttered and rushed words.
But that's not me.

That's Leah.

But it's not me. I'm composed.

So why the hell-

I flinched at the sudden ring of a bell.

Oh she's here.

Putting the cup down and ignoring my unusual signs of nervousness, I shoved my hand in my pocket and went to open the door.

Leah's pov

The door opened just seconds after I had rung the bell; hardly giving me time to contemplate running back home and changing my outfit.

His eyes lightly widened in shock as he opened the door.

They quickly darted down to my white dress, a dress that's casual enough for most events but for some reason, I felt self conscious in everything I tried on knowing I would be with Arlo.

"u-um Hi!"
I managed to get out, giving him a slight smile.

He returned the gesture with his infamous casual smirk as if he was amused by my obvious anxiousness.


His voice alone could kill me.

I felt butterflies coming to life from his voice and the thoughts rambling in my head began coming out.

"I- I don't look too overdressed do I? I just didn't really have that many options since yknow, I just moved here so I only have some of my clothes. And uh I normally have a lot of other, like, better clothes but I was running late a-and-"

Arlo cut my rambling off as his hand brushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"You look fine. You're not overdressed at all."

I tried to sound as nonchalant as possible.

"Yea. You look pretty. "

I swear this man is a player. There's no way he's just naturally this good with girls

Shatter (arlo x OC) UnOrdinary fanficWhere stories live. Discover now