chapter 20

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Leah's pov

"alright then, let's go." and Arlo gestured for us to begin walking to the roof.

The halls were silent except for the small clacks and shuffles from our steps.


ok but wait what's going on
i'm so confused
i apologized didnt i? what else does he want to talk about? the bully situation? an explanation for our argument? is he mad? does he feel guilty? why is his face so fucking hard to read would it kill him to show even a hint of emotio-

"How was your day?"

bitch say what.
don't you think we got some other stuff to talk about?

I smiled to cover up my confusion.

"It was fine I guess."

except for the you breaking my hand part and me crushing my own pride in order to apologize for something that wasn't my fault

of course I kept that statement buried deep inside.

"um and the teachers spoke about how they'll be keeping a closer watch about the whole academic dishonesty thing." my voice unconsciously got quieter as I felt uncomfortable going back to the same topic that had caused the entire argument this morning.

there was a brief pause.

"that's good." was all Arlo said. And I felt the same frustration from this morning slowly building up.

Because the truth of the matter is that the blame of the argument can't be pinned onto one person. It's not Arlo's fault that he doesn't understand what we go through and I also don't think it was my fault for losing my temper from his ignorance.

but I would rather kill myself before tell him that.

And after a few more moments of unbearable silence, we finally reached the roof. And before Arlo's hand could reach the door, it swung open from the other side.

We were suddenly standing in front of a black haired boy and a purple haire-


Wellston's ace and number one.

Completely flustered and eyes wide, I quickly gave a small bow.

"o-oh! uhm hello." my voice betraying my efforts to keep my shock under covers.

I peeked at Arlo and he was busy staring at the black haired boy with...


i don't know but it was definitely different from his normal stone cold expression.

"Who's this" he asked, nodding towards the guy standing next to Seraphina.

The black haired boy put up his hand to wave and with a bright smile tried greeting Arlo.
"Hey! I'm John-"

"-none of your business" Seraphina intervened. And now it was her turn to look at me curiously. But she quickly lost interest and glared at Arlo instead.

"No need to know who this is. It's my business, not yours." and she grabbed her friend's arm to pull him away from us and the duo briskly walked past us.

Arlo and I stood silent for a second.

Until he further pushed the door opened and walked inside. And I hastily followed him.

Shatter (arlo x OC) UnOrdinary fanficWhere stories live. Discover now