chapter 28

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Leah's pov

"And I like you too much to ignore it too."

Arlo's statement lingered in the air between us; our only connection being my fingers clinging onto his sleeve.

And with those words, I felt the corner of my lips curl up despite my desperate attempt to keep it cool.

Arlo gave a small, sweet laugh at my obvious smile.

Feeling the excitement bubble in my heart, I let go of his sleeve to ask him for confirmation.

We're officially dating?"

"Yes." He had a small, content grin.

That stupid grin is gonna drive me crazy.

"As in...

you're my boyfriend?"

"That's what happens when two people start dating so yes.
I'm your boyfriend." He had that same old, amused smirk on his face.

And I couldn't do anything but stare at him with sparkling eyes.

"But only in private of course." Arlo's voice suddenly cut in.

It was abrupt but not harsh. As if he was trying his best to put it gently.

The smile on my face was still there but I looked down to avoid his gaze with the sting of a sudden reminder of reality.

of course."

A brief sliver of silence dropped in until I looked back up with an edge of pettiness to my voice.

"Well technically..."

A brow of his quirked up in confusion as to what I was trying to disagree with.

"I'm technically your girlfriend in public too."

He simply stared at me.

"It's just that we can't show it."
I finished up.

He blinked once.
"Is that not the same thing?"

A small pout formed as I backed up my reasoning.
"What? No, of course it's not. You made it sound like I magically stop being your girlfriend if we're in front of people. I'm still your girlfriend, we just..."

"Have to keep it a secret."
He completed for me.

I gave him one quick nod.

He thought it over for a second and before I could further explain the difference, he finished by agreeing.

"Yea ok you're right."

The unusual compliance caught me off guard for a quick second but I flashed him a victorious smile once it settled in.

"No shit, I'm right."

I settled further into the couch, making myself obviously comfortable, letting out a small, content, hum.

Arlo just stared at me.

Feeling his curious gaze, I looked back up and tilted my head.
"What is it?"

He also made himself more comfortable, resting his back completely against the couch.

"It's just crazy how different you are compared to when I first met you."

Now this made laugh.

"Arlo, I really think that's what I should be saying to you."

He gave a casual shrug,
"I guess we've both changed a bit."

I shortly nodded. "You used to be really scary."

"Yea, I know. It was pretty obvious you were terrified."
He said it so casually.


"You're such a bitch."

I gave him a playful hit but he countered it by grabbing my arm, shifting his body to face me.

His body was suddenly a mere inches away from mine, catching me extremely off-guard.

"Wow, a bitch?

So I'm gonna assume that means I'm not too scary anymore?" It was obvious that he could sense the effect he was having on me.

His warm hand, the smell of his cologne, and his face right in front of me with his goddamn cocky smile taking up my view. It's practically an equation for a racing heart. And I felt the familiar flush in my face come back.

This bitch knows exactly what he's doing.

fuck it.

Before I could process my action, I pushed him; making his back fall into the arm-rest as I climbed on top.
One hand on the arm-rest to balance myself and the other hand clinging to his shirt. I could feel my body pressed up against him.

His casual smugness was replaced with shock and I'm sure that he could feel the warmth of my blushing cheeks.

"Yea, you're not that intimidating these days." He looked inhumanely gorgeous up close from this angle.

He tilted his head further up to meet my eyes.

I swallowed the knot in my throat as a response.
Just once, lemme win against him.

"Then why're you so tense?"

He only further proved his point by sliding his fingers up my waist, teasing me through my dress.

I flinched from the contact and his smugness was back.

The heavy air and solid warmth of his body was too much for me. And I tightened my grip on his shirt to ground myself as I felt my face burn.

damn it.

His unwavering eye contact only made it harder to calm my beating heart.

And his voice was smooth as it filled the space between us.
"I guess since you're the one who confessed, it's my turn to make a move."

My heart beat even faster.

His hand slid further up my body and tucked my hair behind my ears. But instead of leaving, his fingers lingered on my face, tracing my neck and settling at my jawbone.

"May I?"

Hypnotized with his voice and touch, I gave a small nod.

With my approval, he brought his face in close enough for my body to know that my eyes should be closed.

And in pure darkness, his lips were on mine.

Soft. There wasn't an ounce of his usual, rigid demeanor.
His lips were soft and warm—his hand cupping my face carrying nothing but gentleness. As his other hand came up to hold my waist, he touched me so gently it felt like he was scared I might shatter.

Breaking the kiss to breathe, I tried moving my hands to hold his face but before I could, his hands grabbed my waist as he sat up.

With a small gasp, I was now sitting on top of him, straddling him, and clinging on to his shirt.

My lips found his again and both my hands held his face as I ruined his gentleness. Breathing heavily as I pressed our lips together, his hands on my waist got tighter, pulling me closer onto him. The room was filled with our shared breaths and thudding heart beats.

Finally breaking apart to breathe, my eyes adjusted back to the sight in front of me. My lip gloss left a sticky shine on his lips and his face was flushed, out of breath.

"You look so fucking hot right now." I couldn't help but confess.

He leaned in for a one last, small kiss and smiled after.

"Took the words right out of my mouth."

That should be me in Leah's position.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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