chapter 22

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Leah's pov

This isn't my fault.
Zeke's the one spreading lies that i'm flirting around with Isen and Arlo.
I didn't do anything wrong.
I know damn fucking well that I didn't do anything wrong.

But regardless of what I know, the whispers and disgusted stares as I walk to class are suffocating.

"Yea that's her."

Ignore them Leah

"Fucking whore."

You know they're wrong. Let them say whatever they want.

"I heard she slept with both of them"

I felt my nails dig into my books as I took them out from my locker.

I haven't even had my first kiss yet but what? They're saying I slept with both Isen and Arlo?

These bitches.

"I heard Arlo doesn't even like her. She just follows him around like a leech.

"lol delusional much?"

"pft hey did you hear that she rejected Zeke for being too weak? He can literally destroy her in like two sec-"


I only realized that I had slammed my locker shut after I heard the sound ring out.

And at the sight of my much-wanted reaction,

the hallway went silent and every pair of eyes were on me.

It was as if a group of sharks smelled the first drop of blood.

A blond guy I've never seen once in my life made the first move and walked towards me.
At his steps, the snickers and mocks resumed.

"Hey Leah," his tone was already dehumanizing. As if he was talking to a dog.

He continued his sentence.
"Look we get that power and authority is important.

But there's ways to attain that without going around seducing guys."

I felt my fist tremble as I held back the overwhelming urge to bash his head in.

He suddenly leaned closer and used his pointer finger to lift my chin and meet his gaze.

"Although I can see why it worked. Why don't you spend tonight in my bed instead?"

I don't know how the others responded to that.

All I felt was the pure urge to kill this fucking bastard.

I activated my ability and slammed my fist into his face with every ounce of my strength.

He staggered back as blood poured down his nose. He took a second to stare at the blood dripping on the floor. Then he brought his gaze up to glare at me with bloody murder in his eyes.

As I saw his eyes begin to glow, I felt the adrenaline rush in and kicked him straight in the abdomen. With a loud slam, he crashed right into a wall.

I fought back the urge to bash his coughing face against the wall.

"Touch me again and I'll rip your filthy hand off."
I could barely recognize my own voice.

With my blood still rushing, ability activated, and pure crazy in my eyes, I turned around to face the crowd.

I walked up to the girl who claimed that I had slept with both guys.

Shatter (arlo x OC) UnOrdinary fanficWhere stories live. Discover now