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Leahs pov

i've always thought the phrase "my blood froze" was an exaggeration; a cliche comment used by writers or directors to add that extra kick to an already dramatic scene.

i thought wrong.

as i looked into Arlo's glowing eyes, it felt as if they were piercing right through me; sending a wave of tranquilizing fear crashing towards me.

and as always, my body and mind were frozen.

His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched as if he was trying to calm himself down.

"Repeat that for me. I didn't quite catch that." his voice was sharp but calm; probably giving me a chance to take back what i said.

but i was already far beyond saving. my brain was already at a complete halt; not allowing a single thought to escape. my mind was blank.

all i could see was that Arlo was visibly irritated, his eyes were glowing, my body was frozen, my mind was empty, and i was in trouble.

this felt extremely similar to what had happened at the library and once again, the only thing similar to what i could classify as a thought was telling me to run.

i instinctively took a step back and ripped my eyes away from his to turn around but he was quick to grab my arm.

library scenario 2.0.

but no way in hell i was going to make the same mistake and yell at him or try to rip my hand away again.
no. fucking. way.

i tried to best to get my brain to function again. and i was desperately swallowing my own spit to make sure my voice would work.

i'm sure he could feel my hand tremble through his hold of my wrist.

i swallowed again.

"i didn't mean any disrespect"
my voice came out quiet and hushed as if it was a secret meant only for his ears.

he stayed completely unaffected by my comment and stared right into me.

i took this as an opportunity to gather myself a bit more and my next explanation came out at a normal volume. no. a bit louder than that. i was entering the panicking stage.

my eyes widened as i desperately tried to explain. "i really didn't mean it like that Arlo."
i felt my wrist futilely tug from his grasp in panic and urgency.

which did nothing but tighten his grip.
and his grip was terrifying. his strength felt inhumane. and i realized if he wanted to, he could easily snap any bone in my body as if it was a measly stick.

and like an idiot, this thought got me to frantically pull away even harder.

in which he responded with an even tighter grip.

it was heart stopping actually. his grip just didn't feel human. i said this already but i don't know how else to explain it. it felt more like an automated steel machinery that would continue to tighten its grip even after my wrist is crushed into fine dust. and at this moment, i realized just who i was talking to. and how much of a difference there is between something like me and a high tier.
god tier.

"Arlo please let go" it came out shaky and wet and i wouldn't be surprised if he saw tears.

he stayed frighteningly unaffected.
and he wasn't staring into my eyes but more accurately right though them. like i wasn't anything worth acknowledging.

his stare and expression so blank, it's hard to believe he was talking to another human being right now.

it reminded me exactly of when we first met.

Shatter (arlo x OC) UnOrdinary fanficWhere stories live. Discover now