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The table was utterly silent for a moment as Arlo walked away.

With a small sigh, Remi spoke up.
"well that went well." She then turned to face me with a small apologetic smile.
"Don't worry Leah. I'll talk to him about leaving Zeke alone."

Before I could respond however, Blyke spoke first.

"Are you sure though that you want to just leave it at this? I feel like Zeke deserves a good beating at the least."

And of course once Blyke spoke, his orange head friend had something to add as well.

These two are like a buy one get one free set.

"Yea honestly most of the whole damn school is sick of Zeke. Why not trust Arlo and just let him do the thing he does best?"

"Which is?" Remi asked

"Scaring people. obviously."

Blyke and Remi gave an amused scoff at this statement and I couldn't help but also smile in relief that I wasn't the only one intimidated by him.

But Isen looked offended at Blyke and Remi's reaction.

"Wha- Hey Don't scoff! He once threw a fork like two inches away from my freaking eye! The man's terrifying dude."

"Yea, yea. We get it alright? Just quiet down people are staring." Remi stated with a chuckle.

The tense air felt as if it had been lifted thanks to the light banter.

"Alright then Leah I guess the choice is up to you. Sorry for getting so worked up with Arlo. I should've known better than to hurt his pride." She said the last part with another sigh.

I took this as my cue to talk.

"oh no it's alright. You meant well. But regarding Zeke, I..."

I really don't know what to do

I decided to say this exact thought out loud.

"...I don't know what I should do."

Telling them that I want Arlo to leave Zeke alone would seem like I'm overstepping my boundaries as a mid tier but telling them otherwise is basically a death wish for myself.

Although I doubt she knew about my internal dilemma, Remi still gave me a sympathetic smile.
"I understand. Don't worry about it. You have time to think about it."

In an effort to steer the attention away from that jerk Zeke, Blyke dramatically opened his book.

"Ok well we can talk about how to deal with that idiot later and focus on the project which we are very behind on by the way."

Time skip——————————
(Time skip to them finishing up their work for the day cause no one wants to read that lol)

"Okayyyy" Isen audibly yawned and stretched.
"I think that's enough for today."

The four of us gathered our stuff and walked out the library.

Shatter (arlo x OC) UnOrdinary fanficWhere stories live. Discover now