chapter 21

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Leah's pov

After Arlo apologized, I tried making some small talk but he just seemed uncomfortable. It was probably his first time in his life apologizing to a mid tier and I'm sure it wasn't a scenario he had ever imagined happening.

So we both decided to part ways with the excuse of "homework" and "the schools about to close soon."

Back in the silence of my dorm, I threw myself on the bed, letting my body finally relax.

today was really something.

I got into an argument with Arlo, got my wrist broken by him, and was also apologized to.



like seriously.


The Arlo

apologized to me.
That's honestly insane.

And it's also ...extremely touching.
like damn.
a high tier apologizing to a mid tier is literally unheard of

why is he like this.
why can't he just be a complete bitch so I can get over this fucking infatuation.

Everything that's happened and the ungodly amount of butterflies I get from the mere thought of him is too much.
Its overwhelming.
But I love it.

I felt my face heat up

Oh gosh.
I finally have my first ever real crush.
And it's so intense it makes my toes curl.

I buried my face into my pillow and screamed.

I can see why everyone made such a big deal about school crushes now.

They genuinely make you happy.

*Next day morning*
Leah's pov

Still a bit sleepy, I mindlessly walked inside the school; letting the sound of shoes clicking on the floor and whispers fill my ears.


wait whispers?

What's everyone gossiping about this time?

I tried focusing on a conversation to make out the details but as soon as I made eye contact with a girl, she immediately turned to her friend to whisper something in his ear.

They're talking about me.

I felt my heartbeat spike and the familiar weight of anxiety settle in my stomach.

I looked around me, trying desperately to make sense of the discussions.

And at the sight of me pathetically looking around in confusion; eyes wide and fingers gripping my bag, the whispers turned into full conversations.

"that's her right?"

"yea her name's Leah. she was the one who was hugging Isen in the library yesterday or something like that."

Shatter (arlo x OC) UnOrdinary fanficWhere stories live. Discover now