I still don't know if I really want to hear him and have anything with him. I do like him, but after that night, I can't trust him.

Finally, after the 3 hour ride, we got to a small town in Donghae. Since the streets weren't really for cars, we had to park at the entrance of the town and continue by foot.

We barely had any signal, but Hyunjin had the few details we had collected on his phone's notes. We had his name and an estimate of his age, which was around 75-80 years.

There were very few people around, and everybody looked at us weirdly. Since it was a very small village, I decided to ask for the old man to someone, maybe they'd know him, so I entered a little shop.

"Oh? Welcome! How unusual to have visitors like you." The lady said to me, eyeing Hyunjin who was outside.

"Your boyfriend is very handsome, you're lucky."

"Oh no he's not my boyfriend, just a friend." I chuckled nervously. "I'm looking for someone, could you help me, please?" I asked the lady.

She kindly nodded, so I proceeded. "I'm looking for a man named Park Sang Tae, around 75 to 80 years old?"

The smile on her face slowly faded, frowning at my question.

"Why do you want to know where that man lives?" She asked me. It seemed like people didn't like Sang Tae, or at least this lady didn't.

"He bought something that's ours by mistake, so we'd like to talk to him about it."

The lady burst into laugh, making Hyunjin look inside the store too.

"Honey, you can try to talk to him, but that old grumpy man won't even receive you. Good luck with that. He lives down the hill, about a kilometer in the mountain. You are going to have to walk, the road is very damaged."

"Do you know what does his house look like?" I asked. The old lady laughed again.

"Don't worry, darling. His house is the only one there, no one wants to live around him. But if it helps, there's a small lake in front of his house. That's the only thing beautiful about his place." She grumbled.

"Thank you so much! I appreciate your time." I thanked the her. She grabbed my hands and smiled beautifuly.

"No problem darling." She said. "One more thing" she held tightly my hands. I tilted my head in question.

"Cherish that boy. The way he looks at you is pure love." She said while eyeing Hyunjin. I blushed, and turned back to see him. He was looking at me, but as soon as our eyes met, he turned around, very casually.

What did she mean the way he looks at you? How could she know, if he was outside this whole time?

I thanked again the lady and headed out, told Hyunjin what the lady told me, and started walking down the hill. It was quite far, but I didn't mind walking, neither did Hyunjin.

It took us about 20 minutes walking, since we weren't rushing. In fact, we got to the only house around, a tiny humble house, with a little lake in front, almost his yard.

"This must be it?" He said, walking up the stairs to the main door; He knocked one time.

"Hello? Mr Sang Tae?"

No response. He knocked again.

"Are you home? Sir?"

Still no response, he looked at me, and knocked one more time.

"'Mr Sang Tae, are you-"

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" We heard a male voice from the inside. We both flinched, as his tone wasn't exactly a friendly one. Hyunjin tried talking to him.

"S-sir my name is Hwang Hyunjin, I was wondering if I could talk to you about the shell you purchased yesterday?" It took the man about a minute to answer.


"Sir, we just want to talk to you-"


"Isn't there any way we could speak to you just for a minute?" Hyunjin almost begged.


Hyunjin gave up walked down the stairs. He scratched his neck, walking towards the lake. Since the sun was unbearable, we sat below a tree to avoid it.

We both sighed.

This is useless.

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