Chapter 27

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Mackenzie's POV

"Mackenzie you got a package," Mom says "Thanks," I say before taking the package and going to my room. What's in this box will ruin somethings but soon fix it later. I open it and put it in my pocket "Come on Mack I wanna study for my test some more." Mateo says so I get my stuff and keys then we leave.

We got there pretty early Mateo went to the cafeteria while I went to Kimberly's locker, she's here I saw her car. I opened it and did what I had to do then I left her a note "What are you doing?" Kimberly asked, "I was going to surprise you with a note but you're here now." I say as I step aside and let her read the note "Aww but this doesn't make up for you ignoring me." She says

"I know and I'm sorry," I say "I forgive you because this note made me feel better." She says quickly kissing me before leaving "Lord give me strength." I said quietly before going to my locker and getting my books. "Hey, you got the stuff for the test?" I asked Elliot and he gives it to me.

"You'll probably get more information from Kimberly," he says "Yeah but her mom is talking to her," Kayla says so we just continued studying until we had to go to homeroom.

Me and Kimberly decided we were going to go get outside food for lunch. Right now she's listening to her music box "When we was little me and Kylie would always play this song and act like we were them fancy people that be dancing in the ballrooms." She says

"Ugh your always talking about your sister like she's dead Kimberly." I say "What's wrong with you Mackenzie you never mind before?" She asked, "Yeah I didn't until your constantly talking about her and then you carry this around everywhere it's going to break." I say shaking her which made the music box fall out of her hand and break on the concrete.

She stared at the broken music box "Ki-" "Don't fucking touch me. Do you see what you did? Mackenzie that was the last thing my sister gave me before she died and you knew how important that was to me and you ruined it." She says as tears roll down her face "You could play the song on YouTube it wasn't that special." I say and she looks at me surprised before her expression turns cold.

"I hate you Mackenzie I swear I hate you with every single cell in my body and you'll pay for what you did." She says before angrily and sadly walking back to school. I looked in the shadows and the man nods before leaving. As I walked back to school I held in my tears but it's better off if she hates me.

"Bro Mackenzie what did you do?" Elliot asked I just walk past them because I know if I say something I'll break down. That's something I don't need to happen especially with Kimberly's mom watching. So I just get my afternoon books from my locker. "Mackenzie come here please," Mateo says so I followed him out of the school.

"Where are we going?" I asked "Kimberly said my gift is in her car but it's heavy." He says so I popped my trunk for him and Kimberly put it in the car. She knows how to hide her emotions well but she still looks so hot. When they were done I locked my car and went back inside.

For the rest of the day Kimberly sent me deadly glares every time she saw me, she's back to her September self. I was also avoiding Kayla and Elliot's questions and questioning gazes. When me and Mateo got home Mom and Jenna were at work so we just went into our rooms.

I secured the object in a safe place then started on my homework which I got through quickly. Then I laid on my bed looking at all the pictures I took of Kimberly. "What's up with you?" I jumped at Kayla's voice "Why have you been ignoring us?" She asked, "I didn't feel like talking to anyone." I say

"Why did you do that to Kimberly?" Elliot asked, "I did what I had to do to keep her safe and that means making her hate me." I say as a tear roll my cheek "What do you mean by that?" Kayla asked and I shake my head "Nothing just forget what I said." I say

"No, you can't just tell us that and expect us to forget it," Kayla says "Kayla calmed down, Mack is the reason why you did it dangerous, or will someone be harmed?" Elliot asked and I nod as I hug my pillow. "Ok just tell us if you can but we don't like seeing you like this Mack." Elliot says as he hugs me "We'll see you tomorrow." Kayla says as she hugs me before they left.

"Hey, Mack," mom says "Hey Mom," I say as I wiped my tears "What happened?" She asked "Kim hates me," I say "No she doesn't" "Yes she does I broke her music box." I say "Was it by accident?" I shake my head "It's better for her to hate me but it also hurts" I tell her. "Whatever it is you should tell her maybe you guys could figure something out." She says

"I wish Mom but I made a promise to her sister and I tend to keep it." I say "Okay but come eat" "I don't feel like eating." I say "Your eating now come on," she says so I get up "Mom I need to get my hair braided." I say "Me too I'll make an appointment for Saturday." She says and I nod

"What are you getting?" Jenna asks us "Lemonade braids," Mom says "What about you M?" Mateo asked "Probably box braids." I say and he nods

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