Chapter 25

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Mackenzie's POV

"Hey, Mack I found your old phone that you was looking for." Jenna says "Thank you," I say then I test it out to see if it still works it does. "Oh and your girlfriend is here" she teased and I laughed as we go out of the room. "Hey Kim and Kiara," I say as I hug them

"You know she missed you a lot," Kiara tells me and I laughed before kissing Kimberly's head. "You're really risking it for me?" I asked her as Kiara goes to Mateo's room. "Yeah," she says "I love seeing you and all but you really gotta be more careful and I made a promise to your sister I'm going to keep it," I tell her and she nods then I hand her my old phone.

"Use this to communicate until your parents turn your phone back on." I say "Thank you," she says as she hugs me. "Mackenzie what if I do end up like Kylie I can't leave Kiara in this world alone." "Shh stop thinking like that nothing will happen to you," I say as I gently cup her face, and then we watched a movie.

"What time is it?" Kimberly asked "9 o'clock," I say "We should start going before our parents get back." She says as they get their stuff together then hug mom and Jenna. "We'll be there tomorrow," Kimberly tells me and I nod then we hug them bye and they leave.

"They're good for you two" Mom says "I thought you'd be mad." Mateo says "No I'm not they're taking risks to see you they really care about you and that makes me happy." She says and we hugged both of them "I'm going to bed cause I got work" I say then go to my room and go to sleep.

"Good morning Mackenzie" "Good morning Jenna what's that?" I asked her "It's a blueberry muffin made out of oats wanna try?" She asked and I nod "It taste just like one," I say "Yeah Kimberly actually told me about this." She says and I nod "Your two packages came in last night. And before you ask yes I did wrap it up for you. The one for Kimberly has hearts on it." She says

"Thank you so much," I say and she nods then I get the presents and leave. "Hey Tiff" "Hey Mack," she says and I put my stuff down she came into my room. "Are you okay?" I asked her "Yeah I just visited Kylie's grave with Kimberly and Kiara." She says "How was it?" I asked, "It felt good I had a whole conversation with her and it felt like she was there right next to me." She says "She will always be with you just remember that." I say and she nods

"Alright, I'm going to go back by the way Kimberly is here." She whispered before going out of the room "Hey baby" Kimberly says as she closed and locked the door. "Hey," I say as I kissed her then she gets ready "This week was crazy," she says "And filled with a whole bunch of quickies." I say and she laughed "Body or face first?" I asked her "Face" she says and she kept teasing me while I was doing it.

"You not going to stop are you?" I asked her "Hey your boobs are in my face but no." She says and I give her a quick kiss then move onto her body. Of course I was teasing her until she started begging me so I had to give her what she wanted.

"I'll call you when you get off," she says "Don't get in trouble" I say "I be trying." She says and I look at her "Sometimes" she says "Oh here's you and Kiara's gifts don't open it until Christmas." I say as I hand her the bag "Thank you" she says hugging me before leaving.I clean up then took my other patients. "See you Monday Tiff" I say and she waves then I leave.

Elliot and Kayla said they was going to meet me at a cafe so I went there and ordered my tea and muffins while I wait. "Sup Mack" Elliot says "Hey Elliot where's the other bum?" I asked "That's mean and to think I wanted to see you." She says "You love me" I say "Yeah but your still a bum." Elliot says and I roll my eyes then they go order their stuff.

"We could be like them business people who come to a cafe to discuss business." Kayla says and we laughed "So Elliot anyone we should know about?" She asked him "Yeah other than Kimberly's fine dad-" "Ew" me and Kayla says "There is this guy" he says "Ooh tell us more" "His name is Holden." He says "His name sounds hot" Kayla says "He plays a the piano and likes to write little songs. He wrote one about me." He says as he do the Debby Ryan.

"And you've been holding this from us?" I asked "I was making sure we was pass the talking stage but we're like in the middle of the talking stage and dating stage." He says "Oh so like Mackenzie but better?" Kayla asked and I pushed her "You could say that but I'm not in denial." Elliot says "I swear I don't like y'all" I say and they laughed "Just admit it Mack you was in denial at some point." Kayla says

"I was but I got her now don't I?" I asked them "About time" Elliot says and we laughed. "And he invited me to one of his little gigs and he can play really good." "So why haven't we met him?" "You will but I have to go" he says as he hug us then leave "Me too Mack, Mom's going on a date." Kayla says hugging me before leaving so I started packing my stuff up.

"Your Mackenzie right?" I deep voice asked so I looked up and saw Kimberly's dad. "Yes sir" I say and he smiled a little "Lets talk" he says

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