Chapter 13

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Kimberly's POV

Today is Friday and it's the funeral I went back to school after Tuesday but avoided Mackenzie like the flu. This left all of our friends confused. "Kiara do you want me to do your hair?" I asked "Yes please," she says so I flat iron it then did my hair.

"Come on girls the limo is here," Dad says so we got our stuff ready and got in the car. We invited Kylie's friends that she talks about in her diary that she gave Kiara, I haven't touched the one she gave me yet. "You girls want some?" Dad asked trying to offer us some candy but we didn't want it.

When we got there we said hi to some of our family members and Kylie's friends. "Come on," Alyssa says as she and London gently pull me and Kiara to Kylie's body. I held her lifeless hand and gently rubbed it "Why was you taken from us so early? You was too good for this broken society." Kiara says

"We'll make the changes that you wanted to make. We'll make you proud." I say as we kissed her head then went to go sit down to let mom and dad who was walking up to her body talk to her. "Tiffany" London says "What about her?" I asked "It's the way she looks at your sister, she's heartbroken." She says so I go to her.

"Why are you sitting over here?" I asked and she looks at me confused "My sister always told me to have her friends wear white, I did that" I say gesturing to her outfit "She told me to have her friends sit with the immediate family, they're doing that. But she also told me to have her significant other sit next to me and Kiara so come on." I say and we moved her up.

We comforted each other throughout the whole thing my uncles and cousins carried her casket out to the car after we said our final goodbyes. Me and Kiara were standing under an umbrella together as we put flowers on her casket. "Fly high my beautiful sister," I say as I put my flower down. "We love you," Kiara says beside me then we went back to our spot and I held her.

At the funeral reception, I got to know Kylie's friends better and we all just supported each other. We all just need to support each other right now anyway. Some of my family started telling stories about her which was funny and we shared some pictures of when we was little.

"Come tomorrow I know you only go with your sister but you guys look really tensed right now. I'll set up everything so you don't have to." Tiffany says and I nod "Thank you," I say and she nods before hugging us bye along with everyone else. Mom and dad cleaned up while I wiped off my makeup and laid in Kylie's bed.

The next day I woke up Kiara after I made breakfast, feed, and walked the pets. I started to read some of the diary that Kylie gave me, this is like what was really happening. Whatever she wrote in here Kiara has the one that our parents can read without knowing Kylie knew what they was doing.

We got to the place Tiffany took Kiara while I waited. A door opened and Brielle walks out talking to Mackenzie way too close for my liking and I saw the hickey on her neck as she walked past me. I was going to leave but Mackenzie pulled me in the room "Get off me" I say and she backs up "I'm not doing this when you're hands have been all over her." I say as I feel tears in my eyes.

"Kimberly she has a girlfriend she's just a friend but why should it affect you? You ignored me all week after we kissed." She says as I started getting ready "It was too much for me you know with my sister." I say

"How was it yesterday?" she asked, "Good I guess but did my sister tell you she was dating Tiffany?" I asked, "No I found out two days before Halloween and I didn't finish telling you what she told me." She says

"So she told me your parents was onto her probably about her and Tiffany and she was afraid that they was going to do something to her. So she had me promise to protect you and be careful." She says "She always manages to put other people before herself." I say as I smiled "Did you go see your sister?" I asked "I'm going after I'm done with you," she says as she massaged my hips which had a lot of tension which made me moan.

"Right here?" She asked and I nodded "Do you regret it?" She asked "Regret what? The kiss?" I asked and she nods "I don't know I think I forgot how it feels." I say as I sit up she smirks before kissing me with her soft plump lips. We was softly moaning into the kiss until I gently pushed her off "I don't regret it but you should get back to work cause I don't want my sister to wait long." I say and she nods

"I mean Kylie could be right my parents have been saying some weird things." I say "Yeah your mom told us that our education is more important than Kylie the day after her death." She says "And the thing is that she thought we would get over it in two days." I say "Well you turn 18 in January," she says "Yeah but it feels like forever and I would need to save up some more money." I say

"Well if you need anything I'm here" "I can't do that to you," she says "Yes you can, we can make the change that Kylie wanted. We'll get a house and take our siblings." She says "What about your mom?" I asked, "We can visit and she got a girlfriend and I told them when they're ready I want some siblings and they said okay." She says

"Or I could get my parents in jail by the time I turn 18 and I can adopt Kiara and we'll stay in the house until I have enough to cover everything for us." I say "Good because I'll already be 18" "Right because your birthday is a day before mine." I say sarcastically "Hey I got a day over you" "Don't rub it in." I say and she laughs before kissing me.

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