Chapter 11

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Kiara's POV

Today's Monday and Mom is making us go back to school so I wake up Kimberly and we get ready. It's weird because we usually wake up Kylie, Mom and Dad tried to get rid of her stuff but we told them not to.

"Kimberly you have to eat," Mom says "I don't feel like it," she says "Kim please for me," I say and she starts eating "I gave you enough time to settle," Mom says "Mom two days is not enough time," I say "Stay away from those sinners you don't wanna end up like Kylie," Dad says kissing our heads before him and Mom leaves.

How can they just say something like that? "Kim comes on or we're going to be late." I say as I put on my jacket and we went to school "You guys shouldn't be back today." Jada says "Well that's all the time my Mom gave us," I say as we go to my locker "Hey Kiara" I heard Mateo say quietly I gave a small wave before walking away.

It was easy to go to class like always everyone moving out the way for me. Kimberly is acting kinda like Mom and Dad which is something she's not. And the question is why would Kylie even be near LGBTQ plus territory or areas? She never bothered them only when we're around our parents and me and Kimberly met all her friends.

"Ms. Graham are you with us?" The teacher asked so I looked at Kim cause she was in the same second period as me "I'm sorry I'm talking about both of you." She says "Yes," we say before she goes back to teaching. "The teacher fell asleep," Jada says I nod before going over to Kim "You okay?" She asked quietly.

"Sure," I say as I pull up a chair and lay my head on her "Kiara can you help me and Kayla sneak out?" Alyssa asked quietly so I quietly go to the door and open it and they sneak out. "Ms. Graham, what are you doing?" "Trying to see how much force will it take for the door to slam shut." I say "Please don't do that," she says "Okay," I say then go back over to Kim "Your too good for this world," she says

"I'm going to see if Dad can bring us some food," she says as she starts texting on her phone "Tell him I want a burger and cheese fries," I say and she nods. Then class was over and we went to our separate classes.

Now it's lunch so me and Kim just got a fruit salad while we waited. Mateo looks so sad I wish I could talk to him but Dad is coming and I don't know if he has people watching us. Kim gets up and leaves then comes back with our food. "Your eating meat today?" London asked, "Yeah it's a spicy chicken sandwich." She says

"Kim you've been ignoring me," Dylan says "She's been ignoring everyone," I say "And now your finally acting like your supposed to maybe your sister dying was a wake-up call." He says she threw water on him and slapped him "Don't ever talk about my sister like that." She says before mom took her out of the cafeteria I laughed and stepped over him then followed my mother and sister.

I stopped outside of the door where they couldn't see me "What's your problem you could get suspended?" Mom asked, "Mom I don't care he said by Kylie dying was a wake-up call." "Maybe it was" "Do you hear what your saying Mom?" Kim asked, "You need to get over this until the funeral." Mom says "I will not get over this and two days won't help. I'm going home," she says before walking out the door so I walk with her.

"I'll get your work and stuff," I say "Thank you and I'll be back later." She says then I ran and got her food then hugged her bye. "Where did she go?" Alyssa asked "Home," I say "Why aren't you talking to Mateo?" London asked "Because I think my Dad got people watching me and Kim. He was probably watching Kylie too." I say

"Well, I heard that they're lighting candles for Kylie at her school we just texted Kim the same thing." Alyssa says"So we'll go after school?" I asked and they nod, I texted and asked Mateo is he okay and he replied with yes but I know he's not and I'm trying to save him.

"Kim I got your stuff," I say and she put them in the trunk then we left. The school said it was even better that we was here because we're her family. They said a prayer then me and Kim said a few words and we lit the candles and let the balloons fly. "I can't drive like this" Kim says as we wipe our tears so London drove until Kim was good enough to drive.

"Where was you two?" Mom asked "Kylie's school had a wake for her," I say "And you guys didn't tell us?" Dad asked, "So now you care?" Kim asked before going upstairs with me following to Kylie's room. "We gotta pick out an outfit for her to wear." I say "Well she always said if she go send her out in this." Kim says as she gets an outfit out of the closet "That's the outfit she told you don't touch." I say and we laughed.

"I know and I told her I will wear it once but I never did." She says as she lay it across the bed "She gave me her diary and a picture book." I say "She did? I found the picture book but she said that there should be something else too." She says but then she said she'll look later. Then we get started on our homework.

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