Chapter 23

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Mackenzie's POV

"If this girl doesn't answer her phone-" "You have reached the voicemail box-" I hung up the phone and just decided to go to her house. "Hey, Mackenzie" "Hey Kenya where's your child?" I asked "In her room sleep," she says so I go to Kayla's room and plopped on her bed.

"Get out," she says "Wake your ass up," I say and she turned towards me "Really it's a Sunday," she says "So? And you got work in an hour" I say "And I'm trying to sleep for that hour" she says and I hit her with a pillow "Get up" I say "What do you want Mack- how did you get those hickeys?" She asked, "No don't be interested now go back to sleep." I say "No I'm fully awake now tell me," She says as she shakes me.

"Stop," I say "Tell me you woke me up so you have to tell me." She says "Alright I got them from Kimberly," I say "Y'all had sex? Are y'all dating? When did you start dating and why didn't I know?" She asked, "Yes we are dating and yes we did have sex." I say and she squealed "Woah Kayla," I say "Shut up I'm still a girl but I'm so happy for y'all." She says hugging me "Thank you," I say

"So tell me how it was," she says and I start telling her "If I was her I would've done the same her parents deserve it." She says "She said something similar to that but the second time was on the kitchen counter." I say "You kept her deprived for way too long I was going to have her join me and Alyssa if you didn't like her." She says and I looked at her "Hey I said if you didn't like her but you do and I got a girl." She says and I roll my eyes

"Let me start getting ready," she says before going in the bathroom so I went and got us some food. "I got us some food cause I know you didn't eat." I say "Your such a good friend," she says as she lay on the bed and starts eating. "So how's you and Alyssa?" I asked

"I met her mom" "How?" I asked, "I was going out and her mom was coming in, her mom is actually cool she just told us to be careful." She says "That's good and that means that the Dad's homophobic." I say "I know," she says "Hey I mean at least it's not both." I say "You and Kimberly need to be careful we don't want her to end up like her sister." She says and I nod

"Well right now her parents are out visiting friends," I say "Oh so you good like that?" She asked, "Yeah for now I'm about to go see her then go to my Dad's." I say "You going back to her house?" "No she's at work," I say "Is this going to be a thing where y'all distract each other from making money?" She asked as we walk out of her room. "No she's watching Michelle and I was supposed to go see my baby sister anyway," I say

"Mhm," she says "Also we need to save up money for the house." I say "Oh yeah how's that going?" She asked but we said bye to her mom and left. "We went to look at the houses and we started deciding but we don't know yet." I say "Aww look at you and your little family." She teased "Where are y'all going?" Sarah asked, "None of your business," we say "I'm surprised you guys don't have girlfriends yet.

Wait Mackenzie don't you still hook up with Brielle?" She asked "No," I say "You're probably on your way to her house poor Kimberly she'll be devastated." She says "Why would she be we're just friends and Brielle got a girlfriend." I say before we walked away "She's very desperate" Kayla says and I nod then hug her and get in my car.

I went to get them some cookies but I saw these Christmas-themed cake pops so I got that. "Mackenzie!" "Hey, Michelle guess what?" "What?" I gave her the bag and she opened it in the living room. "It's Christmas themed," she says "That's cute," Kimberly says "Well I came to see y'all and brought a snack then I'm going to go my Dad's then go home." I say and she nods "Come help us decorate the tree," she says so I helped them while we ate the cake pops.

"Are we that boring that you're leaving?" Kimberly asked as she pouts so I kissed her pouting lips "I'm trying to go without getting into a conflict with Rory." I say then we heard a squeal, I forgot about Michelle "Are you guys dating?" She asked excitedly "Yes but don't tell anyone," Kimberly says and she zips her mouth. I hugged my cousin and girlfriend bye.

When I walked into the house Buddy came to me I petted him and gave him a treat. Then washed my hands "Hey Dad" "Hey Kiddo" I turned around and saw my baby sister which she got excited to see me "You're excited to see me?" I asked her as I kissed her cheek "Hi Mackenzie" "Hey Rebecca" I say as she hugs me.

"Who's that?" I asked Ryan as we looked in a mirror she looked at me before looking back in the mirror. When we were done looking at ourselves I got some juice she got her milk and we watched some Spongebob on the couch.

"Later we're going to decorate the tree with Kimberly." Rebecca says "The tree isn't even up," I say and she smiled at me "Hold on let me put Ryan in her crib." I say and she nods "Alright little girl come on," I say "Hey I'm only 4 years younger than you." She says "Still younger now come on." I say and we put up the tree and spread out the branches.

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