15~Cover Up~

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Be-

Kageyama blindly reached over to the nightstand to shut off the alarm. He sighed, and laid back down, struggling to wake up.

He looked to his right and realized that the deep sleeper had somehow slept through the annoying sound. 

The setter shook the older one, who was still unfazed. "C'mon, Hinata. Get up." He mumbled as the boy started to move.

Kageyama POV

Kageyama rose from the bed and grunted as he turned on the light, which resulted in the small boy to hide under the covers.

The taller boy went to the dresser to get clothes as Hinata rose out of bed. Kageyama took of his shirt, and Hinata gasped at the sight in front of him. Kageyama's chest and back were covered in purple bruises, along with certain places on his arms and face. His black eye was very dark, and the Raven-haired boy didn't seem to notice them.

"Kageyama! You didn't tell me it was this bad!" Hinata ran over to the boy and grabbed his arm. He scanned the younger one's body in shock. "How bad does it hurt?"

"Oh, it's not as bad as it looks." Kageyama gently took his partners hand from off of his arm. "Don't worry about me."

I just need to keep this up for another week... it'll be fine.

Kageyama's entire body ached, though he wouldn't tell Hinata that.

He's got enough to worry about right now.

"What are we going to do? It's really bad Kageyama!" Hinata worriedly looked into his boyfriend's eyes. 

Kageyama thought back to the other instances where he had to hide his bruises. "Do you have any makeup in the house?"

"That's what you're worried about!?" Hinata looked up in disbelief. "Covering it up!? What about some pain meds? Some ice?"

"Hinata, listen. We've got school in an hour and a half, and I can't let anyone see this. My nonexistent-pain is the last thing we need to be worrying about right now." The setter grabbed the smaller one's shoulder. "Now, do you have a solution, or not?" 

The two walked over to the bathroom, and opened his mom's makeup drawer. The smaller one pulled out a bottle of foundation. They looked at each other and shrugged.

Hinata covered all visible areas of his boyfriend's bruised body in foundation after he was dressed. It didn't exactly match very well, but it was much less noticeable than the bruises. Hinata's mom helped to blend the edges, and offered some ice.

After some quick breakfast, the two ran out the door.

"Crap, we're gonna be late." Hinata realized. "Can you run?"

Kageyama looked down at the boy. "Pfft, stop babying me. Of course I can, dumbass." The two started jogging down the street, racing to the school. Kageyama fought the pain, doing his best to hide the condition he was in.

Once they got to the gym, they realized that Sugawara and Daichi had already arrived.

They walked inside, and the third years immediately noticed them.

"What're you two doing here so late?" Suga questioned, his head full of possible scenarios.

"We're not late..." Hinata gasped for air.

"Well, you're late for you." Daichi pointed out. "I can't remember the last time we arrived before you did.

"We just slept in." Kageyama said.

Suga smirked and looked them over. Kageyama immediately regretted his words. 

The silver-haired boy walked over to the dark-haired one and stared at his neck. "Is that foundation?" He questioned as he touched the area. Kageyama swatted his hand out of the way. "Kageyama, if you're gonna wear makeup, do it right. At least get a foundation color that matches your skin tone..." He looked him over in disapproval.

"You could have asked me for help, I would've ha-" Suga cut himself off with a gasp as he had a realization. "Wait a minute..."

The freak duo tensed up. Did he figure us out? How? For all he knows, I'm just really bad at wearing makeup.

"Are you covering up your hickeys under there?" Suga smirked and giggled.

The two turned bright red, shocked that Suga would accuse them of something like that.

Daichi walked over and smiled. "Hinata as a top? I never thought I'd see the day." Daichi giggled and looked at the bright red spiker.

While Hinata cowered behind him in shame, Kageyama defended himself. "What the hell? I'm not covering up some damn hickeys you idiots!" The setter screamed at the two giggly third-years, protecting his ego as much as possible.

"What'd you say about hickeys?" Noya yelled as he ran in through the gym doors, with Asahi and Tanaka following close behind.

The freak duo tensed up even more, and turned to face the energetic boy.

"Oh... I see!" He smirked and immediately spotted the setter. "So, you finally got yourself a girlfriend huh?" He teased as he stared at the awful makeup. "But you should really chose a better shade man... you stick out like a sore thumb."

Tanaka jumped around the other side of the setter, and playfully elbowed him in the side. "Jeez, it must've been a long night... that's a lot of area you covered." The boy said, trying to hold in his laugh.

"For the last time- I'm not covering up some dumbass hickeys!" Kageyama yelled. "And what would you know about makeup anyways, squirt?"

"Oh, my sisters used to do my makeup all the time!" he announced proudly.

Tanaka giggled resulting in the small libero tackling him. Asahi sighed and went to greet the rest of the third-years.

"Alright guys, that's enough..." Daichi yelled, the babysitting tiring him out. "Let's start setting up!"

Kageyama had completely forgotten about the actual training.

Tobio struggled to bend his body at all, let alone bend it enough to set or serve.

"Why are you so stiff today?" Tanaka jogged over to the setter. "Rough night?" He smirked and grabbed his shoulder.

Kageyama smacked the hand off him. "Shut the hell up dipshit."

Daichi POV

Suga and his boyfriend stood in the corner of the gym, watching the others practice.

"What do you think happened with Kageyama and Hinata?" Daichi asked the boy.

"I'm honestly not really sure." Suga admitted. "It's entirely possible it's just some hickeys, but it doesn't seem like they just did it to me, they'd react differently to us finding out.. "There's definitely something else happening that only the two of them know about. They're on edge, which is weird for them..." Suga continued to rant.

"Jesus, how many times have you done this?" Daichi asked as he let out a light giggle at the boy's detective skills.

Suga paused and smiled. "Enough."

Sorry for the short chapter and late update... i've got really bad writers block...

Anyways, I'll have a new one up as soon as possible:)

Clementine (Kagehina)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ