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Just a short little Kuroken filler:)

Kuroo POV

Kuroo had the entire team practicing serves. Well, everyone but Kenma.

"What the hell? He's late again?" Kuroo growled as he started to furiously tap on his phone.

"You tryin to get ahold of Kenma again?" Yaku butted in.

"Yeah, he probably slept in again..." Kuroo sighed as he opened Kenma's contact. "It's fine if he's late to a few practices, but he can't miss all of them! And besides that, he definitely can't miss school."

     Rooster💋 kenma where the hell are you?? 

femboy✨ im on my way calm down

     Rooster💋 youre so late today even lev's asking abt you

femboy✨ ew the giraffe said my name?

     Rooster💋 yeah

     Rooster💋 did you bring a lunch today?

femboy✨ no

     Rooster💋 yeah figures

     Rooster💋 well ive got one for you and youre not allowed to refuse

     Rooster💋 now get ur ass over here

Kuroo shut off his phone and sighed in frustration. He's not eating again? God, what am I going to do with him?

Kuroo joined the others, and about 5 minutes later, the blonde catboy lazily opened the doors to the gym. Kenma had his headphones in, and was staring at his phone. His tie was untied, and you could tell he'd just gotten out of bed.

Kuroo walked over to him with a disappointed look on his face.

"What the hell Kenma? Again?"

"What? It's your fault for not calling to wake me up this morning." Kenma muttered, not looking away from his phone.

"I'm not talking about that," Kuroo said as he snatched Kenma's phone. Kenma gave him a death stare. "You promised me you'd start eating again! And that starts with breakfast."

"I did eat breakfast..." Kenma trailed off.

"You can't lie to me Kenma, I know you too well." Kuroo stated. Kenma knew he'd seen right through him. "And I don't mind making you lunches, but I want you to start taking care of yourself, and eating on your own!" He handed his phone back to him.

"Anyways, you better eat lunch today, or I'm stealing your switch again." Kuroo promised as he walked back over to the others.

Kenma took that threat very seriously, and went to join him.

Time skip- Lunch

Kuroo searched the building for Kenma, and found him playing on his switch in his usual spot right between the vending machines. Because of his petite figure, he was one of the only boys at the school who could fit there, and he'd claimed it as his own.

"Thought I'd find you here." Kuroo said as he walked over with two lunches in his hand. "C'mon, let's head up to the roof to eat.

Kenma looked up and was about to refuse, but then he remembered the threat Kuroo had given him earlier, and got up with him. 

Once they had gotten to the roof and took their usual lunch spot, Kuroo sighed in relief as Kenma took his first bite of rice. He still had PTSD from those years where Kenma would eat nothing but a bag of chips, or a candy bar every day. He would barely drink water, and would only remember to if Kuroo reminded him. At that point in time, Kenma was only skin and bones, and could barely do anything in volleyball. At one point he had to go to the hospital it had gotten so bad.

From that day forward, Kuroo had promised himself that he would take care of Kenma, because nobody else would. Not even Kenma himself.

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