"CAN ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP ABOUT IT?!", he lashed out, standing abruptly from his chair. The whole common area flinched from his outburst, concerned looks crossing over their features before going back to whatever they were doing. With a guy like Bakugou in their class, sudden outbursts weren't uncommon.

Kirishima's eyebrows creased in confusion as Bakugou stormed off, grabbing his school jacket and aggressively tugging it on. A slight rip noise was heard as he tugged on the sleeve. He turned his arm over and saw the tear right above his elbow, "DAMMIT!"

He then grabbed his bag and left the dorms, slamming the door behind him. Everyone went silent for a minute, concern etched across their faces.

"Kirishima...", Midoriya spoke up sheepishly, "Is Kacchan alright?"

Kirishima let out a long sigh, running a hand down his stressed face, "I have no idea anymore..."


"Those stupid fucking extras...", Bakugou grumbled, making his way across campus.

It was incredibly early to be heading to class but he had to get out of there. After shitty hair started asking stupid questions about the pest that's infected the class lately, he had to get some fresh air. He didn't expect to react like that at all but for some reason, the thought of Miriara made his blood boil in such an unpleasant way.

"That stupid fucking brat!", he snapped to himself, gripping the straps of his bag tightly, his ruby-colored eyes fixed on the ground in front of him. He couldn't help but remember the words she'd said to him just a couple of days prior.

"I am not going anywhere, nor will I ever be. You are going to have to deal with me being your new classmate the same way that I will have to deal with you being mine."

She's not going anywhere, she's going to be there to stay for as long as he is.

"From what I've seen, you just go around throwing temper tantrums like a child and it's about damn time somebody told you to grow the fuck up"

He gritted his teeth, thinking back to what she said on the final day of that stupid competition they had in class. The smug look on her face was forever grained into his mind, her words branded on his ego with such festering malice. His breathing became ragged, irritated with how much her words had affected him.

Is this what being bullied feels like?

He couldn't help the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach as he remembered the days in his childhood where he'd tormented MIdoriya. The look on the boy's face as he told him to throw himself over a bridge stung Bakugou's chest and he had to stop in his place. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he clutched his chest, hating his feelings.

"What? Cat got your tongue? Someones not used to being called out on their bullshit"

She was right. She was so right and he despised it. No one had ever spoken to him quite like that and it struck a chord so deep in him that he felt such strong emotions just from the mention of her.

Is this how everyone sees me? Like I'm some pathetic kid who can't control their emotions?, he thought with a panicked expression.

The Wildcard - Katsuki BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now