Here Comes Trouble

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Chapter: One

"Lydia, hey babe, you gotta wake up!" Stiles says while shaking Lydia out of her sleep.

She groans and pushes him away as she tries to get comfy in her blankets, she's missed a whole week of sleep before this and the last couple days she was finally getting some even despite the deer ramming into her car last night.

"Lydia, you gotta wake up. It's your first day of school." Stiles says climbing into the bed and leaning ontop of her.

She blindly reaches over to her nightstand and grabs her phone, she opens one eye and looks at the time.

Is he fucking kidding right now?



"It is 6:30am."

"Yeah and?"

"School doesn't start until 9." She mumbled pulling a pillow over her head which Stiles just snatches and tosses across the room.

Damn his vampiric strength

"I have to take you on a first day of school breakfast date." He says

"Ugh... you're paying."

"Deal, get up Lyds." He says climbing off the bed as she sits up and stretches her arms out.

She climbs out of her bed and walks into her bathroom, she quickly brushes her teeth and pulls her messy bed hair into a ponytail. She finds some sweats in her drawer and pulls them on.

"I am not showering until I get back."

Stiles snorts, "You think I showered? I just threw on these sweats and climbed up your window."

"Monkey Vamp." Lydia says fondly before kissing his cheek.

"I'll take that as a compliment, ready to go?" He asked wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Let me grab my phone and we can head out." She says before walking over to her nightstand and grabbing her phone off the charger. She nods and then Stiles turns around so she can hop on his back.

He's perfected the art of sneaking Lydia out the window with him. She holds on tight and he jumps and lands on his feet. He then starts running to his jeep and they both climb inside and then they're off once he starts the engine.

Lydia holds his hand as she looks out the window and watches the sunrise while they drive. The radio is playing at a low volume as they sit in comfortable silence. Lydia rolls her eyes fondly when she sees that Stiles had parked in a Denny's parking lot.

"You're such a romantic Stilinski." Lydia snorts

"And you absolutely love it." He says leaving a chaste kiss on her lips.

"Mm.. I do." She nods before opening her door and climbing out of the car.

They walk in the restaurant hand in hand and they're very quickly sent to a booth, they both order apple juice as their choice of drinks and the waitress writes it down and says she'll be back soon.

"So, how are you feeling about going to a new school?" Stiles asked holding her hand across the table and rubbing gentle circles into her skin.

"I would say nervous but.. I think I'll be fine as long as I have a couple classes or more with you."

"Im sure we'll have some." He nods before continuing, "You doing okay with the whole... suicidal deer completely totaling your front window and scaring the absolute shit out of you and the girls?"

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