Coming Back & Guardians

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Chapter: Ten

Stiles climbed into Lydia's bedroom window with Zara just standing on the roof next to it, he could hear Lydia in the kitchen closing the fridge and walking up the stairs. He sat down on her bed as he waited for her to enter the room. A soft smile came to his lips when he saw his beautiful strawberry blonde, green eyed girlfriend walk into the room.

She gasped when saw him dropping her bottle of apple juice. He quickly stood up and walked over to her, she was crying with her hands covering her mouth and he pulled the girl into his arms. she sobbed into his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around him. he slowly pulled away and wiped the tears underneath her eyes.

"I missed you so much." she whispers

"I missed you too, like you wouldn't believe." he carcasses her cheek and she leans into his touch almost instantly.

"How did you escape them?" she asked

Stiles heard Zara enter the room, "He didn't, I brought him back here."

Lydia stares at her with an unknown look in her eyes. "Oh, okay."

Stiles holds onto her hands, "I can't stay long, I'm only here because my dad is in trouble. I heard your scream and I thought you were in danger so I begged Zara to go and check for me, she said you were okay and were being tended to by Scott but my dad was taken by... Ms.Blake? I heard she tried to kill you the same way she apparently killed all the other sacrifices, slit throat, strangled, head bashed in?"

Lydia nods, "She had a wire pulled around my neck and a knife to my throat, the first thing she did was hit me in the head and then I woke up tied to a chair. I have bruises on my wrist and my ankles from how tight it was."

Stiles frowned, "I'm sorry I wasn't here for you Lyds, I'm so sorry babe."

"It's okay, Stiles. You didn't exactly have a choice in the matter." Lydia says looking over at Zara. "I'm just glad that I get to see you again."

Stiles nods, "Me too."

"But you need to go meet Scott, he's on his way to Derek's place right now. He's trying to beat Ms.Blake there so he can tell Derek about her before she has a chance to convince him otherwise." she explains

"But what about you?" he asked before brushing a strand of hair out of her face.

"I'm fine Stiles, just a little bruised up and traumatized, I've been home all day just trying to keep my mind off of it. So a few more hours here won't kill me, I just wanna be on the bench from the supernatural for a while." she explains

Stiles nods, "I understand, take as long as you need Lyds. I have to get going now but I will be back to see you, I promise."

Lydia nods and wraps her around his neck, gently tangling her fingers in his hair, she reaches up and closes the space between their lips, Stiles quickly holds onto her cheeks as he kisses her back fiercely, he didn't realize just how much he missed her lips until he was kissing them again. He slowly pulled away and leaned her head down, he left a gentle kiss on her temple and then pecked her nose.

"I'll be back." he says

"I know, now go help Scott save Derek." she says with a gentle smile.

Stiles nods and makes his way out of her window, but he hears Lydia say Zara's name so he stands on the side of her roof to listen in.

"Thank you for making sure that Stiles is okay." Lydia says

"Of course, he's safe with me Lydia, I promise." Zara replies

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