Busted & Farewells

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Chapter: Thirteen

Zara was dodging her siblings, she hadn't been at home in days, and according to Stiles who had been dodging them as well, they weren't at school either so he was okay to go back. She was staying in Derek's loft, Isaac figured since he used to live there that Derek wouldn't mind since he was gone with his sister Cora anyway and nobody knew if he was even coming back, so she was hiding at Derek's place.

It's not like she had anywhere else to go.

She was sitting in the kitchen eating some cereal when she heard a door slam against a wall, she stood up straight and walked into the living room leaving her cereal to get soggy, she sighed in annoyance when she found all of her siblings standing amongst her.

"You found me.. now what? You gonna drag me to a vervain well by my fucking hair?" She crossed her arms as she glared at the unamused siblings in front of her.

"Zara, you let Stiles go?" Remy snarled

"Yes, I did,"

"Why?" Reagan spat

"Because his dad was a fucking sacrifice and I couldn't just let him sit there and worry himself to death!" She says throwing her arms into the air in frustration.

"But you didn't even bring him back." Zander said

"Because I didn't want to, you guys cant hold him hostage. He had a fucking life before I bit him and he deserves to keep it."

"But he needs to be with us, he can't be with those.. those DOGS!" Benji exclaimed

"Those DOGS, are his friends, jackass." Zara snapped

"Oh god, don't tell me you trust those monsters." Reagan scoffs

Zara shrugged, her eyes downcast, "So what if I do?"

"That's it, you're coming back with us." Remy says starting to roughly grab onto her arm, she snatched it back and pushed him back.

"Don't fucking touch me! I'm not going anywhere."

"Zara." Zander pleaded.

"No. I am not going anywhere. You guys are not the boss of me, I can't believe it took me this long to figure that out. I don't need to be kept under your rules and your every command, I am my own person and I would be just fine without either of you."

Remy scoffs, "Well if you would be so fine on your own, maybe we should just kill Stiles. Because i'm pretty sure the only reason you wanna leave us is because you wanna stay with him and his friends who you're so sure will accept you with open arms even though you turned their best friend into a monster."

Zara feels herself getting angrier by the second. "If you touch him, I will kill you." she growls, her fangs dropping down.

Remy freezes.

Then Reagan steps forward, "But.. we're family. We're supposed to stay together forever."

Zara's fangs go back in, "You don't treat me like family, you treat me like some kid that you can just boss around. I dont fucking like it and I never have, it didn't take me until getting away from you to realize that."

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