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Lydia was scanning the tattoo binder book with Stiles, they were pointing out the coolest ones and laughing at the absolutely hilarious ones that they couldn't believe anyone would put on their skin.

Suddenly Stiles picked up the book and walked over to Scott who was sitting in the tattoo chair with Allison holding onto his hand while the tattoo artists got himself prepared.

"Hey Scotty? What about this one?" Stiles pointed at something of a serpent lizard tattoo.

Scott narrowed his eyes at him and Allison's jaw tightened as she glared at Stiles.

"Too soon?" Stiles frowned before putting the binder down.

"Way too soon." Scott rolled his eyes

"What does that mean?" Lyla asked I nodded wanting to know what they're talking about aswell.

"It's what the Kanima looked like." Stiles whispered to the Lydia and her twin. They both nodded and agreed, definitely too soon.

Stiles sighed before turning towards Scott.

"You sure about this man? Tattoos are permanent, you know that right?"

Scott smiled, "I'm not changing my mind."

"Okay sure but.. why two bands?" Stiles asked, "Don't you want something with meaning?"

Scott shrugged, "Getting a tattoo means something."

"He's right, tattooing goes back thousands of years. And the Tahitian word Tatua means to "leave a mark", it's sorta like a right of passage." The tattoo artists explains to Scott and Stiles.

"See? He gets it!" Scott adds

"He's also covered in tattoos, everywhere." Stiles' nose scrunches in discomfort.

"You sure you're good watching him get tattooed babe? I know you're prone to faint around needles." Lydia asked grabbing his shoulder and watching the tattoo artist turn on the tattoo gun.

"Uh.. i'm sure im fine.." he coughs awkwardly. And then he looks at the needle going into Scott's skin. "Oh, shit."

And then he drops to the ground.

Lydia rubs her lips together and lets out a long sigh before dropping down to the floor and pulling her boyfriend towards the wall and halfway onto her lap since she's sitting down. "We'll just be down here while you finish, Scott."

The tattoo took an hour to finish, Stiles had woken up 10 minutes after he fainted and just avoided the needle for the rest of the time by watching The Vampire Diaries on Lydia's phone with her. Once it was finished the group walked out of the tattoo shop and went to their separate cars, Stiles and Scott were in the Jeep and the girls were in Lydia's car.

They were driving in a darkened area that was a shorcut road through the woods back to their neighborhood. Lydia was driving when Stiles called her, Allison picked up the phone and put it on speaker.

"What's up boys?" Allison asked

"So Scott's tattoo healed." Stiles replied, he laughed "Thank god, cause I hated it."

"Shut up, Stiles." Scott replied

"Wait.. wait do you mean it healed? Lyla says in confusion

"I mean it turned all red and super painful and gross.. and then it faded away. It's gone." Scott explains

"Holy shit.. that's crazy." Allison says

"Yeah, I guess being a werewolf means tattoos are a definite no." Scott says into the phone

"I mean I kinda said it probably wouldn't work but nobody listens to the banshee." Lydia shrugs

"That's the last time I wont listen to you, Lydia. That's money just down the drain." Scott says

"That's why I always listen to Lydia." Stiles says

There was then a whipping sound, courtesy of Lyla.

"Whoever did that, prepare to fight." Stiles replies

"You're on Stilinski." Lyla smirks

"Maybe you should try asking Derek how he got tattooed?" Allison suggests

"That's.... actually a good idea. Thank you!" Scott says

"No proble—LYDIA LOOK OUT!" Allison suddenly screamed

Lydia hit the breaks but that was no use, a deer's head smashed right through her front window. The girls in the car screamed in pure confusion and horror as they unbuckled their seatbelts and climbed out the car. Luckily the boys were right behind them in the jeep and they quickly ran out.

"What the hell happened?" Scott exclaimed

"The deer just ran straight towards us!" Lydia screamed as Stiles wrapped his arms around her. She was shaking in his arms and wondering what the fuck made a deer just jump through her window like that.

Scott made sure Allison was alright before he walked up to the front of the car and scanned the damage made by the deer. It's body tossed up against the car and it's head right through the middle of the front windshield.

"Can someone explain why a deer just decided to run towards a car?" Lyla exclaimed holding onto Allison who had tears running down her cheeks. "They don't do that!"

"I saw it before it hit us, it was like it was crazy."

Scott was still standing infront of the car, he walked up to the deer and stood there for a minute. "Maybe it was scared." He hesitated before putting a hand on it's back. "Actually, it was terrified."

Did I have to go back to season 3 and watch this episode to write it? Yes, yes I did. But I love season 3 so I dont mind watching it again. Honestly I was just starting season 6 but ghost riders, The Wild Hunt, and The Pack forgetting Stiles will have to wait.

I've got a book to write.

Hehe, see you guys in the next one!

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