Healers & True Alphas

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This the first time im doing the pov of someone other than Lydia, Stiles or Lyla so go easy on me pls.

Chapter: Seven

Scott was making his way into the hospital, he had just left Derek's loft after nearly beating his ass for not telling him he was alive alot sooner AND for sleeping with his fucking english teacher. Out of all people Derek had to sleep with someone he would see at school everyday? Weird.

He looked around and saw the building was going through mass chaos, there were people with injuries and running around looking for someone to help them. The nurses and doctors looked helpless as they did all that they could until they could get people into rooms.

He ran over to his mother who looked like she really needed a weeks worth of sleep.

"Can anyone get ahold of Dr.Hilliard?" She asked looking completely overwhelmed.

He frowned as he pulled her into a much needed hug. "What's going on mom?" He says putting down the takeout he brought for her that he beings everynight.

"It's a 10 car accident pileup and we don't know where the Physician Dr.Hilliard is." She sighs in exhaustion

A woman then walks up to the two of them asking for pain meds but Scott's mom just tells her that it would be dangerous to give her anything. His mom walks away and Scott sits next to the women. If she can't have meds then maybe some werewolf healing abilities can help her.

"I heard that sometimes human contact can help with pain."

The woman looks at him with tears her eyes, she holds out her hand desperately. He gently takes it and looks around making sure no one would see it. He aqueezes her hand and watches as the veins in his hands turn black taking her pain from her, a smile comes to his lips when he sees her painful expression fade to ease.

Suddenly he hears Ethan yelling for help, Scott stands runs over to where he drops Danny onto a chair, Danny looks horrible as he leans over in pain. Scott instantly grabs at Ethan's collar.

"What the fuck did you do to him?!"

"This wasn't me! I swear!" Ethan replies pushing Soctt off of him.

"What's wrong with him?"

"He said he couldn't breathe and that his chest was killing him." Ethan panics

Scott's mom runs over and starts examining Danny, "I think he's suffering from Tension Pneumothorax, it's where the lung is punctured and air escapes into the chest cavity causing a pressure build up against the heart and difficulty breathing.

She puts a hand on his throat. "His larynx has shifted to the side."

Not even seconds later Danny leans away from my mom as he heaves his stomach contents onto the linoleum floor, normally Scott wouldn't stare so closely to someone's vomit but he noticed something alarming.

"Mistletoe." He seethes

Someone poisoned Danny.

"Mom, get him into a room. Ethan, you come with me." Scott says dragging him outside of the hospital. He shoves him." This wasn't you huh?!"

"Dont touch me!" Ethan spits

"What the fuck happened to Danny?!"

"I dont know!" Ethan screams, tears in his eyes.

Scott hesitantly released him, "Y-You really dont know."

Ethan sighs and leans down the wall with his head in his hands. "We were just hanging out at his place and he just started complaining about this pain, he tried to brush it off as nothing but then he started choking like he couldn't breathe so I brought him here. I dont know what's going on Scott I promise, I just want him to be okay." He says with sincerity behind his voice.

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