The Nemeton & Saving The Parents

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Chapter: Twelve

Stiles was standing in Deaton's office holding onto his dad's badge that Jennifer had wrecked, he had to bang it a few times with a hammer to fix it. He watched as Deaton had finished filling the baths with ice and he stood as he waited for instruction.

"What did you guys bring?" Deaton asked as he dropped an empty ice bag on the ground.

"I brought my dad's badge, even though Jennifer pretty much crushed it."

"It doesn't need to look good if it has meaning, Stiles." Deaton assured him

He nods and holds the badge in his grip, he feels Lydia wrap her arm around his waist. He then leans down and leaves a peck on her temple. Lydia has just gotten there after Zara dropped her off, he asked Zara if she wanted to stay but she just said that she didn't wanna leave Derek alone.

Stiles thought that was a bit odd considering she hardly knew him but he didn't ask any questions.

"Is that an actual silver bullet?" Isaac asked Allison as he stood next to Lyla who was leaning her head on his shoulder. She was called to come to Deaton's office by Isaac, emotional support and all.

"My dad made it, it's kind of a ceremonial things." Allison says sadly "When one of us finishes learning to be a hunter we forge a silver bullet as a testament to the code."

"Scott?" Deaton asked looking at the nervous boy before him.

He opened his hand showing a watch, "My dad got this for my mom when she first got hired at the hospital." he says "She used to say that it was the only thing in their marriage that ever worked."

Deaton nodded before starting with instructions, "Okay, the three of you will get in. Each of us will hold you down until you're essentially well, dead. But it's not just someone to hold you under.. It needs to be someone who can pull you back. Someone that has a strong connection to you, a kind of emotional tether." He says

Stiles grabs at Lydia's hand, he knows that she's definitely his emotional tether.

Lyla walks over to Allison and gives her a hug in which Allison reciprocates.

"Scott, you've become a brother to me." Isaac says

"Brothers counts." Deaton says

"Get over here, Lahey." Scott replies

"Okay so we have our pairs, now you guys need to change." Deaton says

After a few minutes of then changing in the bathroom they walk back into the room and step in front of the tubs, Stiles puts one foot in and gasps at how freezing it is, he quickly puts the other one in and starts to slip into the freezing cold water. He lays down and he grips Lydia's hand which is near the rim of the tub, he can feel her hand shaking in fear.

"By the way Scott, I think you should know before we do this. Your dad's back in town." Stiles says.

Scott's eyes widen before he looks ahead.

That's probably not what he wanted hear before dying in an ice bath.

"Okay, now I need you guys to force them into the tubs, even if they thrash and fight. They have to stay under." Deaton says

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