Lost Control & Backstories

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Gonna learn a bit about the Undergrove's in this bit, and of course you might be upset at what one of the boys do. Let's be foreal.. the Undergrove boys are assholes so.. be ready.

Oh! By the way, there's gonna be a flashback and talks about the past year and Zara's backstory so basically.. season one and two and then that. So when you see this symbol, ߷ that's when it starts and when it ends. Okay bye!!

Chapter: Eight

The first few days consists of being locked in one of their grand bedrooms, it may have jut been an extra room that they had in their gigantic place. Vampires didn't necessarily need to eat but Stiles would've literally eaten anything right now. If he knew anything it was that he was fucking starving.

He needed blood.

He didn't understand why the Undergroves would force him to leave his friends and them fucking starve him of blood when they know he needs it.

He spent the first day banging on the metal door, he would kick it and ram himself into it but he to no avail. Sometimes he swore he heard Zara outside the door but he was probably just losing his mind from the lack of blood.

He missed his friends, he missed his girlfriend, and he definitely missed his dad.


Oh god, he's probably fucking losing it right now. He's probably doing everything he can to try and find him, he knows he's stressing himself out. Ugh he wished he could've told him where he was going before the jackass vampires (minus Zara) smashed his phone to pieces so nobody could track him.

Those assholes owe him a new phone.

Stiles didn't even know what day it was when they finally opened the metal door and pulled his very weak body out of the room, he couldn't stop hissing, his jaw fucking ached because his teeth were always out and his eyes burned from how constantly cracked and red they were. His veins felt like sandpaper and every swallow of air that he let in took so much effort.

He really just wanted to sink his fangs into a deer or something.

That reminds him of a time when he went practice hunting in the woods with Lydia.

It didn't go well.


"Lydia I feel like im in Twilight right now, or more accurately, I feel like Stefan Salvatore. And you know you know I hate Stefan." Stiles groans as she pulls him through the woods in the morning.

"I just wanna see if you can do it Stiles, you know how hard it is taking bloodbags from the hospital." Lydia replies

He groans as he looks around his surroundings, "Fine.."

Lydia claps her hands, "Good, now listen closely for an animal."

Stiles nods and begins to use his senses, he focus' on the sounds of nature and the crunching of leaves or the breaking of branches signaling that there's an animal nearby.

After a few moments he hears a branch break. He turns to his left and sees a fucking deer just minding it's own business.

It had to be something as big as a deer.

Damn it.

"Go get it Stiles." Lydia whispers

He sighs, he can't believe the first thing he has to try and fucking catch is a deer. If he werent human he knows that deer would fucking murder him brutally. Probably by stomping his throat continuesly till he bled to death and died.

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