Chapter 26: Back Aboard the Steadfast.

Start from the beginning


When the shuttle arrived aboard the Destroyer, the Knights left without a word, leaving Ly'ra, Chewie and a squad of Stormtroopers crossed the ship to join the High Command. The young woman knew that Pryde and the others had been warned about their arrival and she wasn't surprised to be welcome by the General himself and Armitage Hux who, as always, was bragging in front of his superior, announcing his new war's trophy:

"The beast that used to fly with Han Solo!"

Seeing the young man, Chewie let out a powerful groan and Ly'ra couldn't hold back a small amused smile when she saw her ex fiancé shrinking in front of the Wookie.

"Take it to interrogation six."

"No wait!"

The General Allegiant turned an arched brow towards the young woman.

"I just talk with the Supreme Leader and he asked me to take his interrogation in charge myself. No one else should approach this prisoner."

After a long silence during which Ly'ra was starting to wonder if her bluff would work, the General nodded simply to the soldiers who took away Chewie.


Pryde stepped away and the young woman sighed before realising her ex fiancé was still here.


Hux seemed to want to say something, fixed his eyes in hers and thought against it, shaking his head softly.

"Nothing. Ren should be here soon."

Seeing the sadness in Armitage's eyes, Ly'ra suddenly felt a bit guilty about her violent reaction and she catched him before he left.

"Wait... I'm sorry. You came back from Batuu?"

The young General turned his eyes on the woman who was his fiancée and, after a moment, he nodded, sighing softly.

"Yes. Your... Master... asked me to come back after the Resistance's attack."

He then hesitated a second before stepping closer, whispering.

"I'm happy to see that you're alright by the way..."

The young woman nodded softly before stepping away, and heading to the interrogation room. Ben would be here any time and she hurried to join Chewie. When she arrived, the Wookie was on his knees, guarded by two Stormtroopers who was cautiously far enough from him. The young woman held back another swear and she gestured them to leave. An order they seemed more than happy to follow. They even seemed... relieved. Once the door locked behind her, Ly'ra turned towards Chewbacca.


But the Wookie was still furious because of her so called betrayal and he let out a violent groan, stopping the young woman in her tracks. After a moment, she took a deep breath and raised her hands in front of her, trying to calm down Leïa's friend. She had no intention to use her powers against him.

"Chewie... Please... I know we don't know each other very well. But I'm not going to hurt you. I'm still on your side! On Rey's side!"

When he heard the young Jedi's name, the Wookie seemed to calm down slightly. Ly'ra took this chance and stepped forward.

"You know what I had to do right? During these last months? Poe must have told you, or maybe even Leïa?"

Another silence. Chewbacca looked up at the young woman who was still approaching. Her hands still raised in front of her, she kneeled down softly and unlocked the chains that were forcing the Wookie on the ground. He seemed surprised by her gesture and they raised together, at the same time, both keeping their eyes in each other's. Then, Ly'ra lowered her hands and took a deep breath.

"I am really sorry for that. Honestly. But believe it or not, I didn't have the choice. I had to hold back Rey as long as I could so Ben could talk to her. And it was the only way I found.

Finally, Chewbacca groaned softly and the young woman let out a relief sigh. Because she understood the Wookie (it was actually that point that surprised her the most) but also because he trusted her, at least slightly. When he turned his eyes on her, asking her how they would leave the Destroyer to join Rey and the others, Ly'ra frowned slightly.

"Actually... I have no idea yet. We'll have to wait a bit. No one will touch you, you have my word. Even if I think you don't really need my help to protect you, am I right?"

Chewie let out a laugh and the young woman shared it with him.

"It won't take too long, but I'll take you out of here, I promise. Ben will be here soon."

Suddenly, Ly'ra saw some pain in the Wookie's eyes. And when she remembered that he witnessed Han's murder by his son the previous year, she sighed.

"Oh Chewie... I'm sorry. There's nothing I could tell you that could justify what he did. I know... And I can't even imagine the pain you must feel but..."

The young woman stepped closer to him and looked up.

"If you can't trust him, can you at least, trust me?"

Chewie seemed to think about the offer for a moment, then he lowered himself and gently took the young woman in his powerful arms. It was the first time Ly'ra was experiencing a Wookie's hug, and it was quite impressive but also very nice!

"Thank you."

This cute little moment of friendship was suddenly cut by the arrival of Ben in the interrogation room. He stopped seeing the strange couple before locking the door behind him.


With a simple groan, Chewie stopped the Sith from approaching any closer, protecting the young woman in his arms. The former friends then glared at each other, breaking Ly'ra's heart. The pilot knew that the Wookie must have had taken care of Ben when he was a child, they probably had played together, maybe that Chewbacca had even taught him how to pilot next to Han... And today the only thing that was keeping him from breaking the young man's arms, were these handcuffs. And suddenly, Ly'ra understood that what she was imagining were actually Ben's memories. Unconsciously or not, he let his mind opened, allowing his apprentice to discover a part of his past.

After several seconds of silence, the Sith looked away from the Wookie and Ly'ra softly stepped out from his arms before going to Ben.

"Have you talked to Rey?"

"No. There was... An incident. Her powers went out of control and a shuttle exploded."

Her eyes went wide with surprise and Ly'ra was about to ask a question when she was stopped by a furious move from Ben. She jumped slightly, a hand on her belly and frowned. As for Chewie, he let out a groan.

"What is it?"

"We're losing a precious time Ly'ra! Dammit, I don't know where she went! She's gonna try and find Sidious to confront him! He's gonna kill her!"

Chewie and Ly'ra shared an amused smile and the young woman tried her best to hold back a laugh.

"Okay... Look, we know she won't go on Exegol without the dagger..."

Ben quickly turned on his heels to face his apprentice as he heard her words.

"You have it?"

"Actually, I arrested Chewie who had the dagger with him. But now, I have no idea where they could go..."

Again, Leïa's son let out his anger and sent his fist into the wall in front of him. The Wookie was watching silently the exchange before letting out a sigh and he gently tapped the young woman's shoulder. When she turned her green eyes on him, he explained that now the only one able to guide Rey to Exegol was C3PO, but that there was a problem and he was unable to pronounce the translation he had in his memory card. Ben and Ly'ra listened attently before looking at each other.

Suddenly, a new memory appeared in the young woman's mind. One of her own this time and a small mischevious smile appeared on her face.

"I know where they're going."

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