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I burst into the bathroom, rushing to the toilet and threw up.

"Honey, are you okay?" I heard Gran call from the other room.

"I'm fine." I called back, proceeding to throw up again.

"Like hell you are, young lady. This is the tenth time you've thrown up this week – right after breakfast to make it worse."

"It's probably nothing. A stomach virus or something."

"That's anything but nothing, Beverley. We should take you to see a doctor immediately."

"I think the heck not. I ain't going to no doctor after last time."

"It was only a butt shot."

"I felt exposed, Gran."

"Be glad the nurse who gave you that shot was a woman or it would have been way more awkward for you. And God forbid if I let a man look at my granddaughter's naked before marriage."

Surprise! A man has already seen me naked – twice. Not to forget we already skipped all the steps of dating and went straight into doing the deed – twice. 

I rolled my yes and flushed the toilet. I walked over to the sink and opened the mouthwash. "Whatever, Gran. I still can't go to the doctor anyway 'cause I have a group discussion in about an hour or so." I informed her, pouring the mouthwash into my mouth.

"Are you sure you about going out while you're sick?" she asked.

"First off," I said after spitting the mouthwash. " I ain't sick. Second, I'm a strong girl. I wrote my end of module assessments while I had a fever and a flu and still got my distinctions. I'll be fine."

"Yes and I applaud you for that, Bee. But you're human – not a god."

"I said I'll be fine! Gosh!" I snapped impatiently.

"You better watch how you speak to me, young lady. Just because you're sick doesn't mean you can disrespect me and speak however you want.

"For the last time; I ain't sick!"

"If you say so, but take your medical card with you in case it gets serious."


I wasn't paying much attention to the discussion because I was zoning in and out of the conversion with how tired and drowsy I was. I didn't realise that I dosed off when I heard someone yell my name.

"I'm awake!"

"You okay, girl?" Tarry asked.

"I'm fine." I said rubbing my face, feeling the strain in my eyes and the fatigue run me over like a train. "What were you guys saying?"

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