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"Owwwww..." Maren groaned, pressing an ice pack against her temple. 

"What did I say about exceeding your limit?" I scolded her.

"I only had four glasses of wine but somehow I got drunk and woke up with the worst hangover I've ever had!" she winced again and cussed.

"Wine has a higher alcohol concentration than beer. Of course, you were going to get drunk and your low alcohol tolerance certainly didn't help your situation." I told her. 

She rolled her eyes at me and flipped me off. 

"You look like shit."

"I feel like shit," she replied. "I'm hibernating for two days straight as soon as I get home today."

Kevin came to our table with a tray. "Okay! I have a cup of coffee for Bev. A glass of water and painkillers for you. Oh! I also brought you one of those chocolate muffins you had yesterday. I saw how much you loved them so why not."

"Aw, Kev. That's so sweet." Maren smiled.

"It's what a good man does for his woman." He returned the smile. "Plus, it was fun taking care of you while you were drunk last night."

"Fuck off." She scoffed shoving his shoulder.

"Love you too, babe." He pecked her lips.

"Ew! PDA." I grimaced. "I'm glad y'all worked things out but don't be acting all mushy and lovey-dovey in front of me, please."

"Jealous?" she taunted.

"Please," I rolled my eyes. "why would I be jealous of you having a man babysitting you when I pretty much do that all the time? But I am grateful that you took care of her in my absence, Kev."

"Speaking of; where did you disappear to last night?" she asked.

I felt my insides twist and turn in the most painful way possible. The lump in my throat started swelling, cutting off my supply of air. 

"I saw your text, but you didn't say where you were going, and I got worried." she told me.

"I went to the art museum that wasn't far from the venue. I wasn't able to go there since we were busy making preparations for the gala." I answered. 

I wasn't really lying about going to the museum that night, but that was only half of the truth. The half I didn't want to talk about.

"I really am a shitty friend." She sighed, slumping her shoulders. "I technically ditched you."

"It's okay, Mare." I forced a smile. "It wasn't really my type of scene anyway."

"Well you could have just told me," she pouted.

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