He wasn't giving anything away and she was left confused and perplexed. She chewed her lip and fiddled with her nails completely stumped with growing anticipation as she relaxed and indulged in a bubble bath. Getting out and drying off she decided wherever he was taking her she didn't want to be the one sticking out like a sore thumb and figured it was better to be overdressed for an occasion than underdressed.
She settled on another one of Fauna's elegant evening dresses; a sparkling midnight blue, long flowing gown that made her giant diamond ring sparkle like the full moon was attached to her finger. Just as she finished curling her hair, she heard the expected knock on her door.
"Oh, François! I'm sorry I was just expecting Jack."
"Bonsoir Madame. Pardon moi, I'm here to escort you to him."
"Oh, ok," she stepped into her room and grabbed her overnight bag.
"Please, allow me, Mrs. Mason." François took the bag from her hand and led the way through the hotel.
"Thank you, François. Do you by chance know what my husband is up to?" she asked with a gleaming smile using that term with endearment and François Lumière smirked.
"I am sorry, Miss, but he has sworn me to secrecy," he said in his heavy French accent and gestured to his lips being sealed and locked with a key.
"Of course he has," Belle giggled.
"But, if I may say, he has gone through leaps and bounds to plan this special evening for you tonight." Belle blushed as the elevator doors opened to the brisk cold air of the rooftop of the hotel.
"The roof?" she blurted questionably.
"Oui, Madame," François Lumière said as he gestured to around the corner. She stepped out of the elevator and this time led the way and turned the corner. Parked in the middle of the roof was Jackson standing sharply dressed in front of a helicopter.
"Oh! My! God!" She was stunned but panicked at his plans and he felt her hesitation.
"It's clear skies tonight; perfect for seeing the city from above."
"I-I-are you sure you know how to fly this thing?" she stuttered walking closer to him and he reached out his hand.
"I promise I would never let anything happen to you. Do you trust me?"

Even through everything that's happened between them, despite it all, he had proven himself to her more times than she could count. And deep down she believed he was misunderstood by everyone, only showing his beastly side to mask his insecurities and bruised heart. He was truly a lamb just like her. Fearful of being hunted by prey and hurt. All he wanted was to simply graze in the sun surrounded by love and peacefulness.

"Yes." Without hesitation, she responded and met his hand. He pulled her up and into the helicopter as François loaded their bags in the small space behind their seats. Jackson helped her get properly buckled in the harness before taking a seat himself.
"Here, put this on to block out the noise," he handed her headphones with a microphone mouthpiece attached in front and she placed it on top of her head.
"Can you hear me?" she heard his voice through the headphones.
"Yes," she answered with a giggle and looked over to him still quite speechless.
"Good. Are you ready?" he looked to her with a smile as he flicked on a bunch of buttons on the control panel. She heard the propeller blades start circling above and the whole helicopter shook. She grabbed onto his forearm as she took in deep breaths to calm her nerves. He slowly pulled up on the throttle and lifted the aircraft off the ground. The helicopter slightly shuddered but Jackson reassured her it's normal once they reach a higher altitude. Moving his feet on the pedals and his hands busy on the controls, he piloted them smoothly as they climbed higher and began to move forward gaining speed.
"Are you alright?" he asked over the mic, still feeling her tight grip on his arm and she felt his gaze on her and only nodded quietly; keeping her heartbeat steady as she focused on the open sky in front of her.
"Look down out your window," he said with a smile anticipating her reaction that always sends his hearts into shock. Knowing they were at a safe steady pace he didn't need to maneuver the controls as much. He was able to enjoy watching her head turn and catch her first glimpse of flying thousands of feet above the glowing city. He felt her grip relax and slowly release as her mouth dropped open and her eyes gleamed wide.
"Ooh woooow!" Belle said with her taken breath. She felt like a bird soaring through the night sky. It was such an amazing experience getting an aerial view so much closer than an airplane could. The city was illuminated with vivid colors of street lights, cars, buildings, and businesses bustling with Parisian nightlife.

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