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Jungkook stops on his action and loose the grip of Jong-In's shirt that he was holding. He fall on the ground, police take him with them as he is already unconscious.

Jungkook ran to Taehyung and pull him in his embrace but Taehyung's condition is still not good, his breathing is heavy. They left the place rush to Namjin's place so that Taehyung can take rest well.


Taehyung is sleeping peacefully in his bed while the others are in the living room, Jin is treating Jungkook's wounds which he got while punching Jong-In.

Jungkook's eyes are still teary; he is still thinking about the horrifying moment where Taehyung was lying there helplessly. He couldn't stop to think about that.

Without his realisation a tear roll down from his eyes to his cheeks; Jin pulls him in a hug understanding the younger's emotions.


Taehyung screams in his sleep, everyone rush to his room.



Taehyung keeps screaming his name without opening his eyes, he got traumatise from the incident.

"Tae, my bear look at me. Please bear look at me. Look I'm here."

Taehyung slowly opens his eyes to see his bunny infront of him. He immediately pulls him in a hug and starts crying loudly.

"I- I thought t-they. . ."

"Shh, they didn't do anything to me. They are gone now. You are free from them my bear. You're finally free."

Taehyung look up to the younger's eyes, Jungkook look back to him and smiles.

Jungkook leans more to peck his baby bear's lips, but Taehyung deepens the kiss by pulling the bunny more. Both are smiling while kissing; and the hyungs are watching the two younger's with wide eyes.

Namjoon slowly pulls his husband and Jimin with him to leave the love birds alone.

They pull back from the kiss just to kiss back again more passionately.

Jungkook lick the other's bottom lip to ask permission which his baby bear glady give him.

Jungkook starts to kiss his neck while Taehyung is moaning his Kookie's name sinfully, this is new for both. They are feeling ecstatic, they don't want to stop, they don't want to hold themselves anymore.

Jungkook sucks his neck roughly to give a purple mark in his neck.

"You're mine now." Jungkook said looking at the freshly made hickey.

Taehyung is looking at him with his hazel eyes and swollen lips, Jungkook couldn't hold himself anymore looking at the art infront of him.

Jungkook attacks Taehyung's collarbones, "uhh Kookie."

These moans are making everything hard for Jungkook, these moans are driving him crazy.

But Jungkook stops himself before they could go further. Taehyung looking at him with a questioning look.

"This is not the right time bear, we have our whole life to do this but for now take rest."

Taehyung is feeling like he is on top of the world, even in this situation Jungkook thinks about his lover's health and Taehyung fall more for his bunny. These little gestures are the reason why we believe in love.

"But I can't sleep. . ."

"I know my bear, you can't sleep without cuddling. But before that take a bath and have some food. I already prepared your warm bath."

Taehyung didn't say anything, actually he couldn't form a word to see his bunny's warm gestures. He hugged him tightly before went to the bathroom.

Jungkook smiles to himself after Taehyung went to the bathroom.


Taehyung and Jungkook cuddling while sleeping, and Jin is taking pictures of them in the morning.

Taehyung and Jungkook cuddling while sleeping, and Jin is taking pictures of them in the morning

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


By the passing time Taehyung's insomnia is getting cure, he don't get nightmares anymore, only because he always cuddles his favourite bunny in night.

They are literally living together, sometimes they are in Jungkook's house or sometimes Taehyung's; so finally they decided one of them should move into with other. And Taehyung wants to move in with Jungkook, then he can live with his bunny also his appa and eomma will be near him.

Today is the day when Taehyung is moving in, but one thing is still bothering Jungkook.

They are boyfriends for three months now but they never go on a proper date. So Jungkook is planning for a date but he is more than nervous.

He wants to give his boyfriend the best date; but he don't know how. He don't want to go on a classy restaurant or something,  he wants something special for his love.

Meanwhile Taehyung is also thinking the same, he is thinking why Jungkook never ask him for a date. Yeah in these three months things were hectic, they have to do more work because of the Won-Jung situation but still. Yes they have those movie nights, coffee dates but not a proper date.

"Hyung please help me. I don't know what should I do? You guys are experienced in dating."

"Kook calm down. Just ask him for a date & he will be the happiest, you don't need to do anything. He is happy with you only."

"I know hyung what you're trying to say but you're not getting my point. Where should I take him on a date?"

Jungkook is following Suga like a lost puppy for a suggestion; and like an angel Jimin appears to help his bestfriend.

"Kook first tell me what is Taehyung's favourite?"


"Yeah right. It's you Kook, take him wherever you want, he will be happy anyways."

"That's the question hyung where?"

"Take him to a simple beach date."

"Yeah right. You're a genius hyung."


"Um Taebear would you like to go on a date with me?"


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