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"Joonie I'm really worried about him. Why isn't he picking up his phone?"
"Babe don't worry. Let's just go to his house first."


Namjoon & Jin just came back from their honeymoon; Jin is continuously calling his baby bear but there is no response so they are driving to their baby's house.

Jin is knocking at the door but no one opens the door so Namjoon opens the door with the spare key. They enters the house while calling Taehyung; the house is terribly quiet & dark. Jin suddenly stumbles into something on the floor & fall down & that's when Namjoon switches on the lights. They are the witnesses of the most heartbreaking & painful state of their baby bear.

Taehyung is curling into a ball on the floor clutching a tiger plushy that Jungkook gifted him somadays ago; tear stains on his face, hair is messy, lips are pale. Jin immediately pulls him into his lap & stroke his hair slowly.


Namjoon calls Jimin to Taehyung's house as he knows that Taehyung & Jimin are now best friends.

"Hyung what happens to him?"
"I don't know Jimin, that's why I called you."
"But he was okay last night."
"Jimin can you tell me what happened to Taehyung when we were not here?"

Jimin nodded his head & tells everything to him.

"So you're telling me his mood changed when he saw Jungkook & that girl together! Okay."


Taehyung wakes up with a painful headache; he tries to open his eyes but it feels heavy, his whole body is on pain.

"Finally you're awake. Don't even try to move; don't ask anything, I made some soup for you. First eat that then take your medicine then we will talk."

Taehyung nodded as an answer, cause he don't want to get his Jin hyung angry.

Jimin came to Taehyung & sit beside him. Both didn't said anything; a drop of tear fall from Taehyung's eyes & Jimin pulls him into a hug. And this is the first time Taehyung didn't want to hold his emotions, he is tired of holding back, he let out his emotions through his tears.
He is screaming & crying to someone for the first time in the last five years. He shows his most vulnerable side to him.

After sometime Taehyung calms down but still sobbing a little; Jin came with his food & medicine that he takes quietly lika a obedient kid.

"Tae are you feeling okay now?"
Taehyung just nodded.
"Good then can you tell us what happened to you? Please share your feelings with us bear."
"E-eomma *sob*"
Jin pulls him into a hug while caressing his back.

"It's okay bear, we're here with you. You'll feel better after sharing your pain with us. Let us help you Tae."
"Yes Tae Jinnie is right, please let us know your pain so that we can help you."

"H-hyung I-I . .."


Jungkook is calling Jimin for so many times but he is not picking his phone so he calls Yoongi instead to know about Jimin.

Somehow Jungkook is disturb from last day when he met Taehyung & Jimin; the closeness of Jimin & Taehyung bothering him; he himself don't know why! But he is desperate to know why they were together in Taehyung's house last day. That's why he is calling Jimin from morning & now he dials Yoongi's number.

"Hello Yoongi hyung, do you know where's Jimin?"

"Woo, slow down little boy. What happen to you suddenly?"

"Oh hyung I'm in a hurry, please tell me where he is."

"And why should I? Tell me what happened? I know there is something bothering you right?"

"Um n-no, ah hyung do you know where was he yesterday?"

"Yeah he was with Tae & he got a call from Joon this morning, so he went Tae's house. But why are you asking this?"

"Hyung don't you find this weird that suddenly Jimin got busy with Tae?"

"No Kook, Tae needs a friend & Jimin is doing his best to be his friend. And I think Tae is not well that's why Joon calls Chim to know about Tae's whereabouts."


"Shut up Jeon, agh! My ears are bleeding. Why are you so worried about him suddenly? Wait? Do you feel something for Tae?"


"I swear I'll kill you if you raise your voice again."

"Sorry, um hyung can you tell me where is Tae's house?"

"Sorry Kook, I don't know the address. But are you sure you don't feel anything about him? If you don't feel anything then why are you suddenly so worried about him, Why this is bothering you that Jimin & Tae is close, then why you hesitated to say that you were on a date with Lisa last day, then why you removed your hand from her when you saw Tae there."

"H-how, how do you k-know about a-all this?"

"Obviously Chim told me. He noticed everything yesterday. Kook I know it's hard for you too. Lisa is your crush or should I say 'was', and you are straight for all of your life. Think about it okay. I'll tell Chim to call you. Take care."


Jungkook is contemplating while pacing around his bed room, he is still not sure about his feelings. Ofcourse he had a huge crush on Lisa in his high school years, but is he feels the same? He felt nice when they went on a date but Taehyung never leave his mind for once. He didn't realised it back then but now when he is thinking about the last few days from when he became close to Taehyung in a friendly way, there is something different in them. Whenever he was with Lisa, somehow he compared their moments with Taehyung & his moments.

Yes, Lisa is indeed beautiful but Taehyung's beauty is on another level. Taehyung's boxy smile that he wants to see for his whole life, his uneven eyelids, his hazel eyes, his long nose with a cute mole, his pink plump lips that he wants to feel so badly, his sexy collarbones that he wants to mark, his long fingers with those simple silver rings that he wants to hold, his black smooth silky hair that he wants to caress, his tinny waist that he wants to hold, the whole Kim Taehyung that he want for himself; he never feels like this with Lisa. Yes he went on a date with her, but he didn't feel like 'yes she is the one'. But when he first saw Taehyung's smile his mind screamed 'yes he is the one' but he ignored his own feelings for all this time.

After thinking for hours, realisation hit him like a truck;

"I'm in love with him, no way, I'm in love with a boy &  he is none other than the Kim Taehyung, my boss. No no no, I can't tell him this, what if he will hate me."


"Joon hyung can I take a leave from office for somedays? I need to organise myself before going to office."

"No problem Tae, take your time. But don't ignore him. You know what I'm trying to say."


"I only got these designs from Jungkook's office, take this & let me live with my love. Please."

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