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I sighed. "I conceal it with make-up."

"Mi Sobrina, Mi Hija," CG cooed as his large hands found mine. "I believe we had spoken about this," his thumbs drew small circles in the back of my hand, calming me. "Did something happen?" He looked into my eyes, as I stood infront of him, my thighs touching his knees.

(My niece, my daughter) [Spanish]

I shook my head, giving him the answer to his question. "I—," an audible gulp left my throat. "I—, just don't know how would they react to it."

"They are your brothers and father, Mi loba. Believe me, they won't give a damn about those scars on your body, they'll accept you with them." Papá spoke in a soft manner.

"I—," I sighed. "It just that—, you know—," a strangled sigh escaped my lips as I tried to make sense of my words.

"Shh... Easy there." Papá resumed stroking his thumb on the back of my hand gently. "I get it. It's hard and difficult, but don't pressure yourself. Take a deep breath."

Following his words, I calmed myself before speaking.

"All of you were there with me when this happened, you have seen me at my lowest, you know what happened and the person I've become. But, it's just that, Dad and the rest have found me after so long... I don't want them to think of me as weak and broken."

"They'll never—,"

"I've seen that look in their eyes," I cut CG. "That look of sympathy and pity for me, each time I have a flashback or have a panic attack, the guilt that they couldn't save mom or me from everything that happened. Sure enough, that look in their eyes is slowly being replaced with happiness, I know that, but that doesn't mean that I show them my scars and tell them about my miseries and kill that spark which has just rekindled. I don't want them walking around me in eggshells and treat me like a china doll. I don't want to fill them with more guilt, papá. They're happy papá, and I just want it to be that way."

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