Start from the beginning


My heart broke as she called someone else Papà, moreover the Spanish Don. 

Doesn't she remember that I was standing right behind her.

They hug for the longest time until two sets of footsteps and voices emerging from the hallway diverted everyone's attention.

"—I can't believe you met her before me!" The whining in the person's voice was evident.

"Babe, it's not my fault. You should have thought that before you two fought." The second person's voice was mixed with their heavy footsteps.

I glance at Artemis and Carlos, who had a sly grin on their faces, while it looked like they were holding a silent conversation with their eyes.

"But still, how could you do this to me. You're sleeping on the couch when we reach home." The first person threatened the other one.

"Babe!" The other person whined. "Don't punish me for something I didn't have control over."

"You fucking promised me. I cannot believe you and your shitty ass—,"

"—Puhlease! You love my ass." The second person cut off the first one.

"Shut up! Our da—," The person's voice was cut off immediately and we were met by silence. But it didn't last long as we started hearing smooching voices from the other side of the wall.

"Here they go again." Carlos groaned rolling his eyes, making my daughter –who was by the way, still in his hold– hit his arm. She silently raised her hand, asking him to wait, before facing the entrance from where the noises were coming.

"If you guys are done making out, you can come meet me... Your one and only—," Artemis was cut off by a loud groan and some mumbling before a loud smack resonated from the same place.

"You always do this!" Another smack resonated. "You are so sleeping on the floor when we're done with all this." The person shouted before the footsteps resumed once again.

"Weren't your brother's children enough that even she has started interrupting us!" The other man whined before he started walking too, more like dragging his feet by the sounds of it.

"Mariposa!" The initial voice boomed throughout the hallways and the living room as a man stopped beside Carlos and scooped my daughter out of the Spanish Don's arms before wrapping her in his own.

The man had light brown hair, it was sleeked back but had a bouncy nature to it. He had a broad forehead along with the brightest blue eyes.

Artemis tightened her hold around the man's neck, squeezing the daylight out of the man.... Or shall I say,

The Spanish Don's younger brother.

"Papà Luci!" My daughter sheirked, like I had never seen her do ever before, wrapping her arms around the younger Spaniard. "I missed you so so so much!"

'that hurt...'

Why the fuck is my daughter calling all these men her fathers!

What the fuck is going on!

"You know I'm standing right here, right?" Marco, The second in command of the Spaniards walked up behind The Spanish Brothers.

Oh.... I see it now...

"Yeah, and?" My daughter asked him pulling her head out of the hug.

"So? Don't I get a hug?" He asked, Bewildered.

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