"I'm sure there's a logical explanation."

"Okay fine, what ever. Let's head back before teachers notice. Also please stop doing drugs." Chan said sarcastically.

We headed back, Hyunjin holding my hand tightly. I got a bit dizzy, but recovered fast. I looked at Hyunjin, but instead, I was looking at myself.

"What???" I whispered. "We just switched bodies!"

"You don't say." He rolled his eyes.

"How did this happen? We weren't even sleeping or sleepy."

"I felt dizzy for a second. Did you?" He asked me.

"Ah... yeah I did."

"We have to find out what's going on, Aeri. We can't keep going like this."

I completely forgot I was going to tell him about the shell tonight. All the kiss and confession thing made me forget. I'm telling him tomorrow, for sure.

"Can you come to my house tomorrow night? I have something to show you." I told him.

"Shouldn't we wait a little to do that kind of things?"

"Why are you always making dirty references? Ew."

"Are you saying you don't want me in that way?"

"Wha- I'm not saying that."

"So you want to do things with me." He smirked.

"I'm done talking to you."

We got back to the campfire, luckily, the teachers didn't find out we were gone. I was too tired, I needed to sleep soon. Of course, I had now to sleep with the boys, since I'm in his body. Great.

I was washing my teeth, or I should say his teeth. I changed clothes without looking too much, and got ready to sleep. I got a text from Hyunjin, well, from my phone but it was him of course.

Teachers went all to sleep, can you meet me at the lobby?

What are you planning now?
Just come meet me.


I got out of the bathroom, putting on shoes and heading to the door.

"Where are you going?" Felix asked.

"I'm getting a hot chocolate."

"Can you bring me one too please?"

"Sure." Damn it, now I had to bring it for real.

"Minho left a few minutes ago, I think he's buying chocolate too." Jeongin said.

I left the room and made my way to the lobby. Everything was quite silent, I heard a few laughs from students inside the rooms, but nothing else. I finally arrived at the lobby, Hyunjin, or I'd say MeJin, wasn't there yet. So I sat down to wait.

Minho was coming from the cafeteria with a hot chocolate, he sat beside me as soon as he saw me.

"Hey man."

"Hey bro."

"Want some?" He said, offering me a sip.

"No, thanks. But Felix wanted some." I chuckled.

"He's always hungry." He said, drinking one sip.

"So... now that I saw you with Aeri, are you still up with that? I just think she's too sweet and you shouldn't keep going."

"Up with that?" I said. And I really meant it. What is he taking about?

"Oh, you know, back then when you told us your plan."

"What plan?" I asked, confused.

"That you'd use her to make that other girl you like jealous, remember?"

My heart stopped, and I felt a horrible emptiness in my stomach. It was a lie, everything today was a lie, and even before. He used me... and I allowed him.

I felt dizzy again, closing my eyes, I kind of heard Minho talking, but I got completely senseless. I opened my eyes, back in my body, which was a few meters away from the couch on the lobby. That meant Hyunjin was already there and probably heard.

Hyunjin, back in his body, immediately turned to where I was, my eyes started to fill with tears, my fists making my nails hurt my sking. He stood up, and walked quickly to where I was, but I stepped back.

"Aeri, it's not like that, listen to m-"

I slapped him, interrupting his words.

"No." I faced him, anger was the only thing showing through my eyes.

"You got it wrong."

"I think I got it pretty fucking clear. Sorry your little puppet game crushed."

"You have to listen to me-" he grabbed my hand, but I shrugged his grip violently.

" No. YOU listen. I made a mistake trusting you, from day one. I never liked you, and I regret the moment I convinced myself you were different. You're just another asshole, just like I thought two months ago and before that."

"Aeri, you got it wrong." He said, trying to grab me again.

"Stay the hell away from me, Hwang Hyunjin." I said between my teeth. He widened his eyes at what I said, and I know probably why.

"It was you? At the beach?" He asked, stepping back.
I guess I said it exactly the same. I remember back then I told him that because I thought he was trying to fool with me...amazing how I was right.

"I'm glad you remember, don't forget those words, ever." I said, tears falling down my cheeks now. I turned around and left back to my room, I felt completely used and betrayed. I finally open up to someone and this happens. I guess I can't trust anybody, and the worse thing is, I haven't figured out this switching thing; but now more than ever, I want to solve it. I don't want to have anything to do with him.

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