Part 9

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You wore a simple frock and simple make-up. You agreed to the blind date. You entered the café. A person was already waiting for you. "Y/n!", He waved.

"Jungkook!", You were surprised. He smiled at you. "Long time no see y/n'', he shook your hands. You both sat comfortably.

"Yeah! I heard that you moved abroad to study masters'', you said. "Yeah! I worked there, now I came back for good", he said.

"How are you? How's life?", He asked. "Good! I guess", you smiled. You and him were good friends during your college time. He was a very sweet person.

He always had a persona that anyone would get attached to him. You both had random talks. You felt relieved that you didn't have to encounter a complete stranger and have awkward conversations.

"You changed a lot y/n, appearance wise", he smiled. Actually, this appearance change was brought by Taehyung! You started to doll up because of him. "I will take that as a compliment", you smiled.

He chuckled. "I met Jin sunbae recently, he was the one who told me that you were looking for a blind date", he said, sipping his juice. "Looking for a partner! Me! Jin! Wait till I come to kill you!", You screamed in your mind.

"He mixes truth and lies, don't believe him entirely", you awkwardly laughed. He laughed too. Little did you know, from a far away table Taehyung was witnessing these.

He didn't hear anything, but he could see clearly. It was not his intention to tail you. But today, coincidentally he came. He saw how you smiled.

Like how he made you smile. Most of the time, it was you who brought up some conversation. While you were eating, you got some cream on your corner of the lips.

Taehyung chuckled while watching. But, "you are still a messy eater, aren't you", Jungkook wiped your cream with his fingers. The scene pierced his heart.

Not once, I have not taken care of her like that. He didn't know that Jungkook would have done this to whomever he was with. It's his nature. Taehyung didn't understand that.

But all he knew was, it's better for him to move on completely. He hoped that your blind date would take care of you. Or someone better than him would come to you.

He couldn't sit there anymore. He walked past you. The bell in your head rang. You immediately looked at the person who was exiting.

It looked like him. "Jungkook ah! Just a moment, I will be back", you said to him. "Something wrong?"He asked.

"I think that's someone I know", you said and rushed out. He nodded understandingly. Taehyung was walking towards his car. You went fast and caught his wrist.

His inner defence immediately touched the gun. He was stunned when he saw you. You caught your breath. "Taehyung ah!", You said, amidst the breathing.

"Y/n!", He wanted to hug you then and there but he couldn't. He can't confuse you now. He can't get attached once again. Once you caught your breath.

"How are you?", You asked. "Does it matter?",he asked coldly. "Why are following me? When you have already found someone", he said.

"It's not like what you think", you tried to explain. "Come on y/n, you knew about me and you are still alive! Be thankful for that and now leave", he shook off your hand.

You stood there stunned. He definitely changed. You couldn't form words because of the lump formed in your throat. You hardly controlled your tears.

You wiped and turned around to see Jungkook standing at the entrance. He gave a reassuring smile. He came towards you and gave a friendly hug.

"If you want to talk about it, you can. If you don't want to, then you need not", he said. You explained the overall story, leaving the Mafia part and some things.

You said that he was your ex and still you were not over him. He patted your back. Taehyung drove his car as fast as he could. He went to an abandoned road and parked.

He let out a scream hitting his steering wheel. When he saw your eyes, he was ready to take you back. He wanted to apologize and beg you to come to him.

But, the fact that you wouldn't be safe made him take hard decisions. He kept hurting you unknowingly. You on the other hand, didn't worry too much.

You decided that you have no future with him. It's better to not involve with a guy like him. You and Jungkook were also good friends and that continued.

You both decided not to take this in a relationship note. He mentioned that he tried going blind date only because Jin insisted.

Taehyung stopped coming to the places you would go. Instead he locked himself in his room. He shut out everyone. Jimin took care of a lot of things. They were almost caught by police.

He managed to handle things straight. Taehyung was not in right mind. Jimin couldn't watch him get ruined anymore.

He thought deeply and understood you were the only one who could heal him. He decided to meet you. But something unexpected happened to you.

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