Author's Note (Pls read)

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So, this is the end of Through The Dark. Honestly this has been such an emotional rollercoaster for me, to write it. This book is very personal to me and it means a lot to me.

I just wanna give a massive massive thank you to every single on of if you who took the time to read this book. A special thanks to all those who voted or even commented on the story. It means a lot to me and made my day.

A special and huge thanks to Riddhima_121 and Fangirl_Forever7171 for sincerely checking out every single chapter and giving me reviews. You two are the best. A huge shoutout to henryblaisekylian for the amaZAYN cover. It is beautiful.

Also, do check out my other books in case you haven't already.

This isn't the end of Nathan and Emily, because their story continues on for an eternity.

To everyone out there, feel free to reach out to me, In Case you are going through something similar or just want to talk in general. I am available to talk ALWAYS. So don't hesitate. I may not reply back immediately but I surely will.

Love you all!!


Through The Dark Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ