Chapter 9

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Little rant about the song. So this is Never Be Alone by Shawn Mendes. The lyrics are so deep and meaningful. I would like of this song as something that Nathan will sing for Emerald.

Little rant about the photo. This is Liam Adams. He is cute ain't he? Hope you all enjoy!!

Nathan's POV:

These past few weeks have been the best times I have had in many years. The situation in my home is the same, but this time I at least had Emerald. After that day at the park, we both had become friends and very fast. We would share all our feelings with each other. My back was slowly healing, slowly because my dad wouldn't let it heal faster. But it was healing and that is what mattered. Emerald was cleaning and changing the bandages every day. And nearly everyday we would go the park in the evening, where we would talk,smile and laugh. The only difference was that this time the laughs and smiles were real and not fake.

Liv, Emerald's friend, was very doubtful of our friendship and it seems she had warned Em many times to stay away from me. According to her, I was a bad boy and the only thing I was to Em was a threat, a danger. Funny thing how the person who harms you is considered your saviour and the person who saves you is considered dangerous. But after a few days, Liv warmed upto me and now we are on talking terms, which is progress. But that wasn't the only thing which had progressed.

My feelings for Em had grown very much. At first I thought they were just feelings or friendship, but as time passed by, I realized they were more than that. I was falling for her and I was falling hard. I couldn't deny these feelings even if I wanted to, so I didn't even try. I mean what was the point in trying to deny them? I had accepted the fact that I was indeed in love with Em, and it was more than just a high school crush. The thing is, when your life is as harsh as mine, you know what you feel. And my feelings were more than just a liking. It was love and I was sure of it. It was not just because she pulled me out of the dark, but because she also supported me through it. And she did all of this, even when her life was a total mess.

Honestly Em surprises me at times. How does she do it? How does she pretend as though her life is perfect and that she is very happy, when in reality her life is far from perfect? Honestly, I don't understand. Her smile never slips from her face, even though it is fake. I mean just how? But, I think that the mask is wearing off nowadays. It is as though she isn't able to hold on anymore. She is lost, always in her own world and that smile is slipping. It is as though she is slipping out of our grasp and we are not able to notice it. Whenever I ask her what's wrong, she just blinks once and is lifted off from her trance. She then smiles a small smile and shakes her head. She doesn't want to tell, and I know that I should encourage her to tell me the truth but for some reason I don't.

Just as I was thinking all this, my phone vibrates. I look at the id and see that it is Em. I pick it up, only to hear her sob. In between her sobs she tells me to get to the park as soon as I could. I immediately get to my feet and start walking towards the park. I was worried. In all these weeks, never once had she called me to ask for help. I just hope that she was okay. Judging by her voice and sobs, I could tell that she wasn't but I can atleast hope that she is okay. Is it too much to ask for her happiness? To ask God for mercy on her? I don't think so. I reached the park and saw her hunched over on a bench. As I reached her I could see angry, red marks and bruises peeking out from her shoulder. Her entire forehead was covered in sweat and she was breathing heavily.

She was definitely not okay.

Emerald's POV:

As soon as Nathan came and sat down next to me, I gingerly put my head on his shoulder and let all those tears out. My entire body was hurting from what happened today. It was beyond harsh, not that I didn't deserve it, but today it was more than it had ever been. Soon a sob escaped from my mouth which I tried so hard to contain inside. As soon as it left my mouth, Nathan shifted slightly to put his hand on my shoulder and I yelped out due to the sudden pain that shot through my entire left hand. He quickly pulled his hand back and looked at me with questioning eyes.

As soon as he got up and went to my left side to inspect my shoulder I pulled back. A look of hurt flashed across his eyes, but it quickly vanished. And then he again approached me and this time I let him inspect the wounds. As soon as he pulled down the shirt, enough to see my shoulder, he gasped. When I looked at him I saw tears in his eyes and immediately regretted calling him. I told him that I was sorry that I was sorry for calling him and got up to leave. But as soon as I got up, pain shot right through my entire back and I stumbled. I would have fallen down if it wasn't for Nathan who caught me right on time and gently made me to sit down. Then kneeled down in front of me, took my hands in his and spoke in a very soft voice which was filled with emotions.

"Don't you dare ask me sorry Em. This is not your fault. And you didn't bother me. I know what you're thinking. I gasped and had tears in my eyes because I can't bear to see you like this. Now I don't even want you to tell me how it happened. I know. Hot, scalding water. Trust me, I have been through that and the pain is unbearable. And that kind of pain is something I didn't want you to experience, but here you are. And it's just plain torture to see you go through this. But don't worry Em. You have me,no matter what happens. If you even need me, just close your eyes and remember. Okay? You'll never be alone. I'll always be with you,in some form or another."

By the time he finished, he and I both had tears in our eyes. A few of them may have even escaped but we were too lost to notice. How did I get so lucky to have such a good and pure soul like Nathan in my life? The answer, I don't know. I really don't. But I was grateful. Grateful that he cared, enough to help me. Enough to show me the light, enough to make me smile, even if it was temporary. But I think I know the reason he stayed. It's because he knows and understands what it's like. And that is because he goes through the same things as me, maybe more. We both are just two broken souls who held onto each other in this cruel place known as the world and reality.

We talked for sometime before getting up to leave, or more like him getting up and helping me as well. You may be thinking, why didn't he do anything about the wounds. Burns from water couldn't be bandaged and should mostly be left to heal themselves up. As soon as we turned towards the exit, I saw someone. And seeing that person swept the ground from beneath me. I was about to fall down but Nathan caught me, the only difference being this time it wasn't due to the pain, it was due to the disbelief. The person in front of me had the same blue eyes, the same brown hair. But the question was why was he here? But my shock and happiness overtook that question.

Because Liam was standing in front of me, in flesh.

(A/N) :Hey guys. So this is the ninth chapter. I hate Emerald's dad so much. Like scalding water? Seriously?? Anyways...Someone is in Love with Em. Do you think it is too early for him to love her?? Do you think it is love or something else?? Why was Em behaving so differently? Is she really slipping away?? Liam....he is BACK!! What do you think about this?? Do let me me know.

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Happy reading!!! :)

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