Chapter 23

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Little rant about the song. This is Strong by One Direction. It's the live version from San Siro. It fits the chapter perfectly. And while it may seem that the song is about the couple type of love, it is not so. It is about love, but not any specific type of love. And over here, it is for the sibling type. Hope you enjoy!!

Emerald's POV:

I don't know what suddenly changed, but Liam and Nathan were acting really strange nowadays. Whenever I used to ask them as to what happened, it would always be the same answer. A smile and "Somethings are best left unsaid." I was proper confused, but chose not to say anything. If they didn't want me to know, then so be it. After all, even I kept secrets from Liam. Secrets, which if kept so, would be the best for all of us.

Such a funny thing isn't it? Sometimes you keep secrets from people, which when later revealed, will surprise them. But then there are those secrets, which if revealed, will shock people. Some, choose to make a person happy, while others makes a person sad and angry. Mine will forever make people sad. If they know my secrets, then they will sympathise with me, look at me with eyes which are brimming with pity. And that is something that I don't want. That is something I didn't need, something I couldn't face. With these thoughts in my head, I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Little did I know, that when I wake up, an impending storm would be awaiting me.

Liam's POV:

I just finished work and came home, only to find it quite, very quite. Where did Emmy go? Is she alright? I went to the living area, kitchen and the backyard but there was no sign of her. I went to her room, and there she was, sleeping peacefully. But I noticed that she was shivering a bit, so I went to pull the blanket over her, and that is when I noticed them. Her sleeves had gone up, and there they were, on full display, all the scars and lines. Most of them were old or healed, but some of them were new, fresh.

Anger boiled inside me at the sight. But more than that, it was guilt. Guilt that I even trusted dad, that he would keep her safe. Guilt and regret that she as well ended up in the same road as me. I failed her, as a brother, as a friend, but mainly, as a person. A companion. I failed her in every aspect. I tried so hard to protect her, from all of this shit, from all this pain. I sacrificed my entire happiness, just so that my Emmy can be happy. But it seems that fate doesn't want us to be happy. It doesn't want us to be normal. It is pushing us past our limits, and now honestly, I don't know for how long we can go before we all break.

I decided that I won't ask her anything about what I saw. It is for the best if I don't. I just went and sat down in the living area. As soon as I did, thoughts engulfed me whole. I don't know if Em knows this or not, but I need her. I don't care if I feel foolish admitting this. I'm not scared of love. She completes me, in a way that nobody else can. She saved me, when nobody else could. She loves me, in a way nobody else can.

It's as though my heart is connected to hers. Even though she loves Nathan, my heart belongs to her. It sits tight with hers, just like book ends. And in the pages of our heart, are written the stories of our experiences, our griefs, our lives. And these pages are filled by endlessly. And yet, there are so many words that we are not saying to each other. I wonder why it is so hard to say it.

I don't get it as to why people run away from love. Let it be any kind: the sibling type, the couple type or just any type. So much love is being wasted, when people try to escape it. They move on, not giving a bother to even try to love a person, and by doing so, they are just hurting themselves even more. But that isn't the case with me. I admit it that I love Em, not in the couple way. No, my love was more than that, or any superficial way.

When a person saves your life, you love them in a way which is indescibable. A love which stays for an eternity, one which is pure, raw and Crystal clear. I need her, in ways in which I can't even describe, which I can't put into words. When someone saves you, they become your everything. Because they gave you life, a reason to stay, to stay alive. And that is what Emmy did to me. She gave me a reason, she became my reason. I need her, to keep myself from falling apart. And I won't let go of her, I'll hold on to her, because she makes me strong.

As I was thinking all these things, Emmy came down and told me that she was going to the park and I let her. Something I now regret doing. I then went to the kitchen and made myself some dinner. I finished it and looked at the clock, seeing that it was ten. My brows furrowed. She never stayed outside this late. What might have happened? Did she meet Nate? But when I called him, he told that he hadn't been to the park at all today.

Fear was now eating me alive. Questions, filled with negativity, clouded my brain. Darkness seeped it's way through my mind and heart. I rushed towards the park. First I went to the tree, which she would always go to. Then to the other places of the park. After searching in vain for half an hour, defeat crawled it's way inside of me, followed by worry. Tears pricked my eyes. I just got back my Em. I can't loose her now. Where did she go? Was she safe?

It's very unlike Em to do this. It's as though she just vanished. And if she wasn't with Nathan, then where was she? I don't know why, but I had this feeling in my chest, that something was wrong. That I was missing out on some clue. I don't know why, but I feel that I should have looked between the lines. Read things more detailed. But it was just a feeling, one which I chose to ignore.

But as it goes, sometimes these feelings become intuitions. Ones which you are supposed to trust. And ignoring them will cost you dearly.

(A/ N) :Hey guys. So this is the 23th chapter. Things are about to get real so grab your popcorn and maybe some tissues as well. So, Liam found out about Emerald's scars. Do you think his reaction was fair? Should he have thrown a tantrum? What do you think about his feelings towards Em? Are they justifiable or not? Where did Em go? Is she okay? Let me know your thoughts.

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Happy reading!!! :)

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