Chapter 11

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Little rant about the song. The first few lines are not potrayable to the situation but then the song is about longing for someone. And Em definitely is in need of people. Also lyrics like "What am I now?" Or even "And it kills me coz I know we've ran out of things we can say" are definitely relatable to her. So I think this song definitely fits her a lot. Hope you enjoy!!

Emerald's POV:

To say that I was furious would be an understatement. I knew that our dad was not a very good person, but this. This is heights! How can he play with Liam's emotions like that? Liam doesn't deserve this. He already had his share worth of misery. Then why was he being tortured even more? Why was he still suffering? Wasn't it enough? He literally sacrificed his life and happiness for me. And that thought alone was enough to draw three fresh lines on my hand.

As I was sitting on the floor, surrounded by my tears, blood, guilt and misery, I started to feel regret. At all those times when I would blame Liam for leaving, all those times I would question as to why Liam left me alone, all those times I complained about Liam, all those times I failed to see what an amazing brother Liam was. Guilt overcame me in a rush and the tears increased. I got up from the floor and went and stood in front of the mirror. A dull, lifeless girl stared back at me. This time I knew that it was me and not anyone else. And this time I accepted the sight in front of me. This time I knew I deserved it.

I looked at my hands, inspecting the damage. Out of the seven fresh ones, two were a bit deep but the rest were fine. I ran my other hand over them and when I pulled back, it was covered in blood. Some people may find it crazy but for me,seeing blood flow out of me, feeling the pain, it is very... satisfactory. Relief floods me every time I see those tiny red drops spill out of my hands. The feeling of the pain,it relieves me from my thoughts, even if temporary, and rather helps me focus on the physical pain. Anything is fine for me, as long as it relives me from my mind, which is a crazed up place.

I look at the razor which is now resting on the counter. What if I cut just deep enough? What if I "accidentally" slice a nerve? I know that it is wrong, but atleast I will be free. Who will miss me anyways? Liam will be the only person, but atleast I can be with mom. I just want this to end. All of it. I am so tired of all this. It's not just dad that I am tired of. I am tired of everything: the fake smiles I put up, the pain I caused and keep causing to Liam, the burden I am to Nathan, all of it. Is it a bad thing that I want it all to end? No right.

As my hand slowly reaches out for the razor, my phone suddenly vibrates in my pocket. I feel a bit angry but take out my phone nonetheless and see that it was a text from Nathan asking me to meet him at the park. I didn't reply and put my phone away. That is when I realised what I was about to do. That is when the reality dawned upon me: I was about to take my own life. The bit of anger that I had towards Nathan vanished. He had unknowingly saved me from myself.

Thank you Nathan.


It was nearly thirty minutes after I texted her that she came. When I asked her what took her so long, a look crossed her face but before I could decipher what it was, it vanished. She just muttered a quite "had some homework". I immediately knew she was lying. Whenever she avoided eye contact I would immediately know that she was lying. It was her tell. But before I could ask her anything, my gaze fell upon her hand. There was a red spot on her sleeve and by the looks of it, the spot was fresh. I looked back at her and tears sprung in my eyes. Why didn't she talk to me when felt the need to do it?

I asked her to sit down on a bench and sat down beside her. I then took her hand in mine and she slightly flinched  at the gesture. I asked her a simple why. I think she understood because she started crying badly. I simply hugged her and rubbed her back until she calmed down. After that she started to talk in a defeated and hollow voice.

"Liam told me yesterday the reason why he left and apparently it was not because he couldn't handle it. It was because he and dad had a deal. Dad told Liam that he wouldn't do any harm to me if he left the house, didn't come back and would cease all contact with me. And he actually left. Liam left, not for himself but for me, so that he can keep me safe. And that makes me feel so guilty. Like he nearly sacrificed his life for me. If it wasn't for those people who adopted him, he would have..."

She couldn't even finish that sentence and broke down again. I just held her as she cried. My t shirt was soaked, and her tears hadn't stopped, that is how much she was crying. My heart broke for her and I felt guilty for ever feeling angry at Liam. The only thing he wanted was to protect his sister. Little did he know that his father would backstab him like this. Tears were now relentlessly flowing out of my eyes. I felt Emerald shift and when I looked, I saw that she had fallen asleep.

Someone came and sat down next to me. I saw that it was Liam. As soon as I saw him I felt guilt flood right into me. I think it showed on in my face, because he guessed that maybe Em had told me the truth, and that there was no need for me to apologize to him. He then proceeded to tell me stories from his and Em's childhood. From when things were still happy and normal. Listening to those stories was heartbreaking for me.

She was such a happy girl. Why was life so harsh on her? Why her? What wrong had she done? I had so many questions in my head but the answer to none of them. After that we sat in silence until Em woke up. As soon as she saw Liam her eyes started to tear up again. But Liam calmed her down quickly by telling her that it wasn't her mistake. We three then talked for sometime before proceeding to head towards our houses or hotel in Liam's case.

Little did any of us know that there was a certain someone watching us in the dark. One who would turn our lives into a living hell.

(A/N) :Hey guys. So this is the eleventh chapter. Wow... a lot happened in this chapter right? So do you think what Em's dad did was right? Was Liam right in leaving her? Do you hate him or like him? Who do you think is the mystery person and what will they do? Let me know.

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Happy reading!!! :)

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