Chapter 16

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Little rant about the song. So this is Little Things by One Direction. It's the live version. It is honestly SO good. A song which just talks about all the insecurities of a person...something I am here for. But...this one makes me cry. This performance was very sad and emotional. Only Directioners will understand as to why. It was a tough time. 😢😢

Little rant about the photo. So that is Nathan blushing. Oh...and the video, the guy who first sang...he is the same person as the one in the photo. Huge difference right? I know. Hope you enjoy!!

Emerald's POV:

As I closed my eyes, I felt something soft touch my lips. Nathan. He was being so gentle, so careful with the kiss, as though he was afraid of breaking me. This was one of the things about him that I loved. He didn't treat me as though I was tough and never told me that I was strong. No. He was very careful with me and always told me that it was okay to not be strong at times. He never told me to hold back my tears, but instead encouraged me to let them free. He never asked me to always smile, in fact he questioned me as to why I do smile and put up a happy facade when in reality nothing in my life was going on good.

For me his kiss was more than just a kiss. It was a kind of assurance, a statement. One which was filled with hope. Hope, that things may just turn out to be fine, that I may finally get some kind of normality in my life, that I do deserve happiness. And I clung to it like a child clings to the parent, like the dew drops cling to the leaves. I clung to it as though it was my lifeline. Because assurance and hope was what I needed in my life right now. It was as though I was a famished traveller and he was cool water.

People say that when you are in love with a person, they become your sunshine. But I say that they are wrong. Nathan isn't my sunshine. He is my moonlight. He helped me sought my way out in the dark. He guided me in the dark, something that moonlight does. He saw me when no one else did, talked to me when no one else did, understood me when no one else did. But mostly he saved me when no one else did. He bothered to take the patience and time, to look through my facade and slip my mask off. He was there to care for me, when I myself was too messed up to do that job.

His kiss was as precious as gold, as gentle as a feather but yet as beautiful as a rose petal. His touch made me feel things I didn't know I was capable of feeling. They made me feel the fireworks which I had only read about in books and seen in films. It was then that I realised... I love Nathan. I'm in love with this boy.

As I looked at him I saw that he was blushing and had a small smile on his face. He put a hand under his chin and was looking at the ground. For some reason I found this really adorable. His thick eyelashes covered those beautiful hazel eyes of his, making them look heavenly. His hair as well was not in it's usual quiff and it was somewhat messed up today. But it was adorable. Actually now that I look back to things, he looks cute no matter what. I waited for some time before he looked into my eyes. Golden meets green, and the red of love was seen. I gave him a small smile before I spoke.

"Our hands fit into each other's as though it was made just for us. Maybe it really was meant to be. I don't know. But I do know one thing, I do know why I am so fond of you. We both may have bonded over our miseries, But these past few months we got to know much more about each other. Like how you hate the sound of your voice on tape or how I talk in my sleep. How I am insecure about my weight or how you never loved the crinkles by your eyes. But let me tell you something, you made me get over my insecurities. You made me look past them and that is what I want to do for you as well."

"You never treat yourself right, never take enough care of yourself. But I want you to. You don't love yourself enough, in fact not even half as much as I do. These insecurities of yours is what drew me towards you. These small details are the ones that I love about you. That little freckle in your left eye is something that I adore. The way that you smile, with your tongue either sticking out or hidden behind your teeth, the way you scratch your eyebrow when you're nervous, these are all those things that I like about you. All your insecurities are something I adore. So, Nathan Evans, I'm in love with you and all your little things. "

[(A/N) :Not the end of the chapter. Just wanted to let you guys know that all the things I described bout Nathan in the above para (his freckle, scratch of eyebrow etc) are all true. Like the guy in the picture actually has all of those qualities) ]

I saw him slowly smile, and it was not the I-am-sad-but-care-too- much-to-show type of smile. He smiled a genuinely happy smile. The one where his tongue was his behind his teeth. The twinkle in his eyes, which was a rare sight, was back and brighter than ever. To prove my point I pressed my lips to his in a tender smile. And just a few moments later, he gently snaked a hand around my waist holding me securely. We broke apart from the kiss and looked at each other with what I assume to be only fondness.

Suddenly, the leaves of the willow tree started rustling. I looked over it and smiled a genuinely happy smile. According to me this tree wasn't just a proof of my mother's existence. It felt as though my mother's soul resided in it. Call me crazy, but every time I would feel sad or happy or even angry, I would always come to this tree and all my worries would just vanish, disappear into thin air. Don't ask me how, it just would happen. I just continued to look at the tree with Nathan by my side. I put my head on his shoulder and he held my hand in his. I smiled and silently conveyed a message to my mum.

I know mum. I love him as well.

(A/ N) :Hey guys. So this is the 16th Chapter. I know it is a short chapter but please bear with me. Wow...Em declared her love for Nathan. What did you think of her confession? What about her feelings? Her thoughts? Her actions? Does she deserve Nathan? Does he deserve her? What about the song? Did it compliment the chapter? Let me know.

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Happy reading!!! :)

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