Chapter 22

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Little rant about the song. So this is Fireworks by Katy Perry. Hope you all enjoy.

Liam's POV:

Comfortable silence is overrated. This sentence is so true and so accurate for this situation. As me and Nathan sat on the bench, which was overlooking the lake, in the park, neither of us knew what to say. Or more like, none of us had enough words to speak. As for me, I also didn't have the courage to be the one who breaks the silence. I didn't know what to say. Asking the reason would be a very wrong move, besides I do think I knew the reason. He was done, finished and tired of all the crap that he was putting up with. He wanted an escape out of this, and so, thought that this was the best option. I don't blame him, but I also don't praise him for his decision. Because as much of a tough exterior I had, I cared. And him even deciding to take the leap, that broke me, maybe beyond the capability of being repaired.

Slowly and very carefully I stretched out my arms in front of me and carefully observed them. There they were, all those lines, which though were faint, were still there. They were something I liked to call as remainders and not battle scars. Reminders of all those horrible things that I went through, that I now let Emmy go through, that even Nathan is going through. Reminders of all nights spent fisting my hand into my mouth and crying out due to the pain radiated throughout my body, but staying quite so as to not wake Em or scare her. Reminders of all the blood lost and all the bones broken. Reminder of all the tears Em shed, all the bandages spent on me, all the times I limped to school.

But also reminders of all the hugs and kisses Emmy gave me, all the love she showered on me. Reminders of all that care and gentleness she gifted me. Reminders of all the patience my parents had, when it came to me. Reminder of all the anger my brother showed, when he got to know the complete story. My scars are reminders of all the horrid things, but also the reminders of all the beautiful things of my life. And they are something I accept whole heartedly. Something I will both cry and smile over.

And today, it was something that I chose to share.

Nathan's POV:

As I was staring ahead of me, trying to figure out what to tell, when he suddenly spoke, "Do you see this scars Nathan? They are reminders of all the shit of my life. They are my...battle scars I guess. And I see that you as well have them. Let me tell you that I was exactly like you. I used to think about all the reasons as to why I should leave this world and for the good. There were so many times when I wanted to just cut a bit more deep, maybe hit a nerve, jump of a cliff or swallow extra pills. But I didn't. I had a reason to live, Em. She was my inspiration to continue on living, the one who, unknowingly, kept me alive. She was my firework in the dark, one which lit up my whole sky. And everyone has one of those. You just have to find yours."

"Emmy doesn't know that I used to do this. I don't want her to know as well. It will only end up making her feel guilty. Something which I don't want. These are now a part of who I am, who I have become and will forever remain so. I chose this and I regret it. But hey, atleast I am glad I didn't end it. Because if I did, I wouldn't have been with Em, wouldn't have met you or even gotten to know you. So Yeah, I am glad that I lived. "

Saying so he just got up and went away. It was then that I decided:

I will find my firework. I will live.

(A/ N) :Hey guys. So this is the 22nd Chapter. So so so Sorry, this chapter is very short, I know. But please try to understand. I am a literal mess at the moment. Pls bear with me.

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Happy reading!!! :)

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