Chapter 18

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Little rant about the song. So this is Tightrope by Zayn. It is from his new album Nobody is Listening. The album is SO GOOD. Honestly, I could go on about the album but I'll stop right here. The part where he sings in a different language is Urdu. It is from a Muhammad Rafi song called Chaudvi Ka Chand. I honestly love Tightrope. It is just so...magical. Hope you enjoy!!

Emerald's POV:

Things were going on pretty amazing for both me and Nathan. Liam had taken a house for rent nearby to the hotel and currently we were staying over there. It's a really pretty house and I really loved it. But I felt bad for Liam. He had saved up from a long time to get himself a new car, but now he was spending that money on me. Even though he told me that he didn't mind at all, I just can't help but feel bad. Feeling bad and regretting things was something which had become a very natural thing for me.

In Nathan's house as well, the situation was kind of in control. According to his dad, somebody had warned him to take action against him if he ever again hurt Nathan. At first I was confused when he told this to me. But when I saw Liam's smirk I immediately understood. It was Liam who had warned Nathan's dad. I didn't tell this to Nathan though, and neither did Liam. We didn't want him to feel awkward for any reason.

I was really nervous for tomorrow. It would be my first day back in school after everything that happened. I don't know if I will be alright, but I can atleast try. Besides I will have Nathan by my side. And Liv will also be there. I now feel bad for never giving her my number. She must be so worried. The first thing I was going to do when I went to school tomorrow was to apologize to her. But that was a story for tomorrow. Right now, it was night time and I was in my bed. Insomnia had consumed me tonight and refused to leave me. Sleep had evaded my life, for the night atleast. And as I lay, sleepless on my bed, my thoughts began to drift towards Nathan.

Nathan was the best thing that happened in my life. He was like my own personal Sun and Moon. Sun because he was my star. And Moon because he brought light into my dark. He was there for me when I had given up on myself. And just how many people do you find, who take so much time and patience to sort out such a messed up girl like me? Not many. And out of all the people that I have met, who know my story, none. Yes he as well was broken. But that's what makes things even more beautiful. Even though he himself was broken, he tried to fix me and that is what is appreciated. He tried to mend me, when he himself was a mess. But the thing which I loved the most was something else.

He cared. He stayed.

Nathan's POV:

Lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling,  I started to think of Em. She was something different all together. I don't know what made me fall for her to be honest. My mind told me it was because of the situation and the type of life we both had. My heart told me it was because of the type of person she was. As for my soul, it chose to agree with my heart. There indeed was something which was very unique about her. To be honest I myself don't know what made me fall for her. Maybe it was her smile, maybe it was the way she faced whatever life threw at her, maybe it was there from before, I really don't know. And I don't even want to know. All I really care about is that I love her and I am never letting go of her. I would kill for her, but also die for her. Without Em, I am nothing and that is a fact.

Em is like...a tree. She resembles a tree or rather she is the human form of a tree. The green of her eyes are very similar to that of the leaves on the tree, the brown of her hair is like the bark. Her heart was as big and love-spreading as the roots of the tree. But it was not just her physical appearance which matched that of a tree. Even her character was similar to it. She stood tall and faced any storm, would grow more beautifully every time she was cut down. She would shelter people,or atleast try to, from the harsh of the reality, just like a tree protects people from the harsh of the heat and sunlight. She bears a personality which is filled with kindness and sweet patience, just like the fruits. She is vibrant and filled with colour, just like the flowers. But mostly, she is a lifesaver, gives me oxygen when it gets hard to breathe. She is beautiful, inside and out, and nobody can deny that. I don't know what she was, the full moon, the Sun or the brightest star the universe has ever made. But whatever she was, I swear to God, she truly is beyond compare.

To be very honest, I had never though that I would ever find love. I had never thought somebody would ever love me. But yet here I was, happy and content with Em. She completed me, making me into a person I never imagined myself to ever be. She made me be myself. Because no matter how tough an appearance I put up in front of the world, at the end of the day, I have to accept the harsh truth that I indeed was alone. But I didn't have to pretend to be so, when with Em. We are who we are when we are alone. I knew that I was falling, hard and fast, but this was a fall that I was ready to take. This was a fall which I accepted whole heartedly and unconditionally.  This was a fall which I was willing to take. And I knew that she as well was. As long as she was with me, I was home. I was safe. Em was my home and there was no denying it.

I fell from a height very tall. And I have never fallen from a love this tall.

(A/N) :Hey guys. So this is the 18th chapter. Em and Nathan are SO in love with each other. Do you think Liam did a right thing by warning Nathan's dad? Will Nathan face any consequences? Is Em alright? Will she be okay in school? Will Liv question her absence or will she be oblivious to it? Is Em in love with Nathan or is it a mere crush? Is Nathan going to stay till the end? Your thoughts on Nathan's feelings? Let me know your thoughts.

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