Chapter 26

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Little rant about the song. This is Moments by One Direction and was written by Ed Sheeran. Honestly one of the most emotional songs(pre -MITAM). I love this song and I think it fits perfectly for Nathan and Em's situation. Hope you enjoy!!

Liam's POV:

Red. That was the only thing I saw. How could he even do this? She is his own daughter? Does he not have any, not even the slightest, love towards her? I was so angry at him, who once was known as my father, my dad. What had he become? Where did my idol go? I lunged at him, ready to kill him as well. Never had I ever felt hate with such a burning passion towards someone. And to think that he is my own biological father, is what disgusts me even further. I never knew that one's own parents were capable of being so inhuman towards their kids.

A pair of hands held me back. Nathan. He tried to calm me down by telling me that he will take care of him, right now my main focus should be Em. This caught my attention and my head snapped towards the thin and fragile figure lying on the floor. I rushed towards her and dropped to the floor beside her. She was surrounded in a pool of her own blood. She was literally covered in black, blue and red. And by the looks of it, she had lost a lot of weight as well. I called the ambulance and gave them the address.

And that is how, here we were in the hospital, waiting from nearly three hours, for any news on Emmy. The tears as well had stopped flowing, there were no more left to shed. Through all of this, Nathan had been a great support to me. Not once had he left my side, not once had he not rubbed my back in support whenever I cried. But honestly, now that I was past my point of grief, I observed that during all of this, he hadn't shed even one tear. It was as though he had suddenly turned into...a robot or stone. Just, so emotionless, or maybe he was controlling his emotions. But then again, that would be harmful for him to bottle things up. Doing so will only destroy him, slowly and crave him, rapidly. And that was not good for him. But before I could say anything, the doctor came out of the OR, and came in our direction. Judging by his expression, whatever news he had was not good. His next words only proved my suspicion.

"The operation was successful, but her survival rate is very low. I don't really think she will make it. I'm sorry."

Nathan's POV:

It is said that words make you either very happy or very sad. And since it was my life that we are talking about, they chose to make me sad. The doctor, after dropping that bomb on us, gave us a gentle squeeze on both our shoulders and left. Both me and Liam looked at each other. He gave me a small smile and motioned for me to sit down. I know what he was doing, something which I myself have done before, and am very familiar with. He was trying to be strong for my sake, so that I had someone to be my pillar. When he broke down, I supported me and now he was trying to return the favour. But I wasn't going to budge. I will not break down, at least not when he needs me. Sure, in the night, the dam will break loose, but now, it needs to remain shut.

After some time, when the doctor told us that we could see her, I was happy. But all of that happiness vanished into thin air, when he told us that she wasn't awake and would not be able to respond to our words. But she could hear us, so we were supposed to talk about positive things. After that he left us. Liam told me to go inside first. The reason being I know you will let your emotions out only when you are with her. And right now, you need it.

As soon as I entered the room, even the little bit of hope that I had, vanished into thin air. Em was... I don't even have the words to describe her state. She was lying on the bed, her breathing was supported by the oxygen mask, face was pale and as white as snow. She had a bandage wrapped around her forehead and many tubes connecting her body to all the various machines, many of whose names I didn't even know. Her bruises were easily seen in the hospital gown. It was a sight I couldn't take out of my brain, even if I wanted to. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing out of my eyes. I immediately walked out of the room and quickly out of the hospital. Liam didn't even try to stop me, I guess he knew I needed the space right now.

I was aimlessly walking around. I couldn't live without Em. She was my calling, my home. And if my home itself was gone, then where would I go to. Where would I live? It is said that home is where heart is. My heart was with Em, but now, if she was only gone, then where would my home be? Nowhere. She is my life. She is my voice. She is my home, my heart. She is my reason to be who I am, my reason to be alive. My love, my heart, my soul belongs to her. And myself, my mind lives for her.

I didn't want anything if I didn't have her. My hands were trembling, tears were streaming down my face, my voice had gone numb, lungs had gone quite. How I wish we both could live the perfect life we craved for, just for one day. How I wanted to turn time back, just to make things perfect for both of us. How I want to hear her laugh again, to see her smile again, to get lost in those luscious green eyes of hers again, to run my hand through her silky hair again. And all this moments make things harder. As I was thinking all of this, suddenly out of nowhere, I heard a horn blowing.

The last thing I saw before the truck hit me, was it's flashing lights.

(A/ N) :Hey guys. So this is the 26th chapter. Don't kill me just yet. I'm so sorry, but it had to be done. So what did you think of Liam's feelings? Did you feel bad for him? Do you think Nathan did the right thing by holding back his emotions? Do you think Em will be okay? Will she live? What did you think of Nathan's reaction upon seeing Em? What about his thoughts and feelings? What are your thoughts on the ending? Let me know your thoughts.

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