Chapter 15

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Little rant about the song. So this is Through the Dark by One Direction. Honestly it is one of my favorite songs by them. The lyrics quite literally call out to you. And the vocals..dont even get me started on them. will know later on as to why I put this song in this chapter. Hope you enjoy!!

Emerald's POV:

Do you ever associate yourself with a particular thing very much, only because it reminds you of someone or something which is very close to your heart? Yeah, I do too. And that's the exact same reason why I can't seem to stop coming back to this park or more particularly to this willow tree. The day was pretty normal for me, just standing in front of the tree, remembering my mum, reminiscing all the memories, remembering the time I was happy, the time when I was indeed alive.

As I look at the tree I notice the small things in it. The leaves are now a tender green, signalling the arrival of spring. The bark of the tree bears all the marks and names that lovers have scribbled. This tree truly was something else. No matter how many storms it faced, how many scars it had, how many people tried to damage it or tarnish it, it always stood majestically in all its valour and glamour. The storms only made it stronger, the scars and marks only made it more beautiful, the broken twigs and branches only made it flourish more. The more it broke, the stronger it became. The more it fought, the more it filled with happiness, the more it fell, the more it rose. And honestly this is something I wanted to be. But who was I kidding?

In my case, I was the total opposite of the tree. The more storms I faced, the more cracked and broken I became. The more people harmed me, the more damaged I became. And the worst part of all this is that I let them do this to me. And they enjoyed it. They enjoyed and to this day, enjoy tarnishing me, breaking me, tearing me apart. My screams bring satisfaction and my tears bring smiles on people's faces. My pain brought pleasure to people. And this was something that I couldn't cope up with, no matter how much I convinced myself otherwise. My red of my blood flowing out of my body filled their heart with the red of pleasure and satisfaction. This was twisted and I didn't know how to face it.

Maybe that was the reason for the red marking the bandage on my wrists.

Nathan's POV:

Things were going on surprisingly well for me. My dad hadn't added any new bruises these couple of days, other than the occasional shoves and shouts of curses, but other than that nothing happened. Em was as well slowly healing. Her physical pain was completely gone and she was healing mentally as well. She wouldn't flinch every time someone touched her. Yes, she still had nightmares but who wouldn't after going through such a horrible experience. Liam had stayed with her the entire time and never left her side. His parents were very supportive of him and in fact told him to bring her home. They were willing to adopt her. But she refused. The only reason being that I didn't have anyone. And truth be told,my heart warmed at her response.

I walked towards the park with my mind on Em. There is no denying that I love her. But the question was did she? More So, was she ready to love someone? Some guy other than her brother? Was she ready to let someone in her very much closed off world? I don't know and I don't blame her if she isn't ready. But I do know one thing. I want to be one of the reasons she smiles, one of the reasons she laughs. I want to be one of the reasons she stays happy. As I went to the park, I saw a tiny figure by the willow tree. I immediately knew who it was. Em.

I approached her and as soon as I did, I knew something was wrong. She wasn't as relaxed. She was touching the tree wistfully, as though thinking about her mom. She was smiling. And I would have thought that it was a genuine, happy smile if not for the tears which were flowing down her cheeks. I went and stood by her giving her time to notice me. But when time passed and she didn't, I started to grow worried. I slowly and gently held her hand in my palm and turned her around. But she flinched. When I looked at her hand, my eyes widened and I immediately knew the cause of the flinch. The white of her sleeve was now red with her blood. When I asked her why she did it, the only answer she gave was, "to relieve the darkness." Hearing this answer, my eyes filled with tears. I gently held her hand which fit in mine perfectly. It was as though it was made for me, looked into her eyes and spoke.

"Em listen to me and listen to me carefully. I told you to come and talk to me when you feel like doing it. Then why didn't you? Do you know what hurts? Every time you tell me that you're sad and that tears will stay, but every time you hide them. Please let me see them, let me see you. You tell me that you're hurt and in pain, but you never show it to me. Please let me see them. You are in the dark and I  want to be the one who pulls you out of it."

"I wish that I could take you to the stars, where no one can ever hurt you again. I never want to let you fall. And know this, I am here. If you want to cry or fall apart or scream and shout, I'll be there to hold you. I want to be there to hold you. I want to be the one for you. I want to be the one who carries you over fire and water and protect you. I want to hold you close to me. When the night and darkness falls upon you I want to be the one you come to. I want to be the person. And Em, you don't need to worry. You think it is tough to find someone who loves you. And I know that you wanna be loved. I want to be the one that loves you, the one who takes care of you and treats you well. Just like you deserve. But mostly, I want to be the one who shows you the light...Through The Dark."

By the time I finished speaking, we both had tears in our eyes. Hers flowed down her cheeks while mine chose to remain within the comforts of my eyes. I had just confessed what I wanted for Em. Our hands were still together, held in perfect sync. They were like two jigsaw puzzle pieces which fit together perfectly, making a small yet significant contribution to the puzzle named Love. I gently held her face in my hands and brought my face closer to hers. At this point both our eyes were closed.

And slowly I brought both our lips to meet in a gentle kiss.

(A/ N) :Hey guys. So this is the 15th chapter. So what did you think of Em's thoughts? Honestly I get so disgusted thinking about all those type of people that she told. Also...Nathan. What did you guys think of his confessions? Did the song suit it? Is he right to love her? Does he deserve her and vice versa? What about the Kiss? How do you think Em will react? Let me know.

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Happy reading!!! :)

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