Losing patience I was about to just scream and shake the crap out of him but he woke. His face scrunched and his eyes started to open and close a few times, trying to wake himself up.

'We're here, let's get out so your brothers can rip us a new one fast. Then go to bed." He nodded his head not saying anything before starting to get out of the car. Seeming somewhat out of it he started looking for his phone in his clothing. "It's in the cupholder." He looked up at me and gave me a quick smile before grabbing it.

"Not really a morning person are you?" He ran a hand through his hair and nodded his head once. I quickly shut off his car and met him in front of it. He still seemed to be half asleep so I kept the keys on me. I grabbed his arm walking him the rest of the way.

Wanting to get water in his system to try to help and prevent his hangover tomorrow. I also wanted to stay as quiet as possible just in case the guys happened to be asleep.

"Come on." I earned him quietly. Cameron stared at my hand on his arm but didn't push me away. I opened the door as quietly as possible and shuffled in. I sat Cameron down on a stool in the kitchen and attempted to set my stuff down as quietly as possible.

Hurrying I scrambled around the kitchen trying to get Cameron as much water as possible and make him a quick sandwich. He watched me moving back and forth with hushed curses as I tried to get things.

"What are you doing?" He finally asked me while I was filling a glass with water. Thankfully he whispered, realizing that I wanted to be quiet. I set the glass quietly in front of him before answering. "Drink, it's to help you sober up and just in case you have a hangover tomorrow. What do you like on your sandwiches?"

Cameron took the glass hesitantly as if it could be poisoned. But the look on his face wasn't skepticism but confusion. "Why?" he whispered, seeming honestly confused.

I gave him an exasperated look, "Did you not see how much you drank? You barely had anything other than slushie in-between. So I'm making your food and water to try to counteract it a bit. You know, basic drinking edict." I glanced back up at him holding two types of sandwich meat, turkey and ham. Cameron gestured to the turkey so I set it down while continuing.

"Don't overanalyze the whole thing. I'm just doing what I would want to be done for me if I was in your position. And I can promise you I've been there." I finished with a bitter laugh.

I continued making his sandwich in the dark silence while he watched me. I came to the conclusion while watching him throughout the night is that the more he drinks the more serious and melancholy he becomes. I wasn't sure why that happened and if it was him shedding the persona he seemed to put on the happy fool.

I wasn't going to ask though, no matter how curious I was. It wasn't my business nor did I have the right to pry into his. We just became friends, for the most part. Overall, we just happen to live in the same house together at the moment.

He stared at the sandwich for a few moments. "Do you want anything else...?" I asked, confused why he was just staring at it. Shrugging it off I started to put away the ingredients we used until the lights in the kitchen turned on. Blinding me and scaring the ever-loving shit out of me.

Both my instinct to run and fight went off at the same time. Confused from having to deal with going back and forth with the two. Unable to pick one I kind of just collapsed. Wanting to make myself as small as possible, forgetting where I was for a second. Just taken over by pure survival instinct.

I was so surprised I wasn't even able to make a noise before I hit the deck. My head hit the cabinet beneath the counter as I went down. My wrist and butt stung from hitting the tile hard but my first thought was to protect my head.

The Mitchell BoysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon